


Order Type

Below is a list of Accepted Order Types in C21 xml. The order type attribute has to either be empty or equal to one of the values listed below. 

Order Type Description
REGULAR_ORDER In-season order of goods from supplier's remaining production batch (aka. "Refill-order", "Re-Order", "Top-up order", "At-once order", "Supplementary order", "222")
AUTOMATIC_REGULAR_ORDER Order automatically created/triggered by algoritm (e.g. remaning stock level, trending sales)
CONTRACT_ORDER Order contract agreed between buyer and supplier. (aka "Blanket order", "221")
CHECKOUT_ORDER Checkout of goods from previously agreed contract between buyer and supplier. (aka "Call-off order", "226")
PRE_ORDER Pre-seasonal order of goods or services, according to conditions set out in an offer.
RETURN_ORDER Return of previously ordered and delivered goods.
DROPSHIP_ORDER Consumer/Customer orders goods via i.e. an e-commerce retailer/marketplace, who do not hold or own the inventory of the ordered goods. Instead the retailer is sending the order to a third party supplier who fulfills the order by shipping it directly to the consumer/customer on behalf of the retailer/marketplace.
DIRECT_SHIPMENT_ORDER Direct Shipment means the seller/supplier ships the order directly to the customer/buyer without any other stopping in the supply chain. Typical scenario would be an order that is shipped directly from the supplier factory/manufacturing plant to the buyer/retailer without passing the seller/supplier warehouse or other supplier/seller facility.
BACK_TO_BACK_ORDER Back-to-back order is created based on one or several sales orders for items that the retailer/seller does not keep in stock in the own warehouse or store. Bulky or customized products are typically subject to back-to-back ordering as the retailer/seller then benefit of not having to store the product, but instead have it delivered "on demand" based on a customer sales order. 
CONSIGNMENT_ORDER The consignment order is sent to the supplier/brand as a request to fill/increase the supplier's/brand's consignment goods inventory at the retailer. As the consignment products are still owned by the supplier/brand even after being delivered to the retailer, consignment orders typically don't generate an invoice in the supplier's ERP system. Instead the the invoicing is settled after the goods has been sold by the retailer to consumer (with deduction for the retailers commission).
CLOSE_OUT_ORDER The close-out order type is used by the buyer to indicate that the goods are ordered from the supplier's/brand's sale/close-out/clearance-inventory.

Code Example :

<order currency="EUR" environment="production" messageDate="" messageId="" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER" text="Btwentyfour Order Example">

Order Status

We have the attribute order status on both header level and item level. There are seperate sets of statuses for the two levels. Represented by the following two tables and their accompanying c21 example for how they should be written in the c21 message.

Order Status header level Description

Code Example :

		<orderResponse text="Btwentyfour Example Ordrsp" status="ORDER_STATUS_REGISTERED" currency="EUR"> 
Order Status Item level
ORDER_LINE_STATUS_INVALID Order Line is Invalid (e.g. invalid item)
Order Line is backordered, so that the entire line in the order response is backordered, there should be another line in the order response pointing to the remaining quantity specified in the order, so that if the line with the action code has the quantity 14, and the ordered quantity is 30, then there should be another line pointing to the same buyerOrderLine that has the quantity 16

Code Example :


Order Response Action codes

Please note that all of our Action codes are case sensitive.

Order Response Action Description
Accept The Order is accepted without changes
Accept With Changes Order is accepted with changes (changes specified on item/line-level)
Cancel Order is cancelled
    <property name="action">Accept With Changes</property>


Item Level

Order Response Action Description
Accept The line Item is Accepted
Cancel The line Item is cancelled
Quantity Change Item quantity is changed
Price Change Item Price is changed
Delivery Date Change Item delivery date is changed
Shipping Date Change Item shipping date is changed
Item Change An Item is replaced or added compared to the original order
Item is backordered, so that the entire line in the order response is backordered, there should be another line in the order response pointing to the remaining quantity specified in the order, so that if the line with the action code has the quantity 14, and the ordered quantity is 30, then there should be another line pointing to the same buyerOrderLine that has the quantity 16

Code Example :

<property name="action">Price Change</property>


Order Change Action codes

Please note that all of our Action codes are case sensitive.

Header level

Order Change Action Description
Cancel The entire order is canceled
Order Type Change The order's order type is changed
Delivery Date Change The order's delivery date is changed
Consignee Change The order's consignee is changed
Ultimate Consignee Change The order's ultimate consignee is changed

Code Example :

<property name="action">Delivery Date Change</property>

Item level

Order Change Action Description
Add The Line/Item is added to the order/td>
Cancel The line/item is canceled
Price Change The line/item's price is changed
Delivery Date Change The line/item's delivery date is changed
Quantity Change The line/item's quantity is changed
Barcode Change The line/item's barcode is changed
No Change No change is requested for the line/item
<property name="action">No Change</property>

Production & Test Environments


Acceptable values are:


- "production" - "test"


Code Example


<order currency="EUR" environment="production" messageDate="" messageId="" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER" text="Btwentyfour Order Example">




Item number format


Predefined barcode types that can be used in the ‘itemReference’ element as coding:    




Code Example


<itemReference registry="Supplier" coding="EAN13">2345678911234</itemReference>




Unit of measure


Unit of measure code examples that can be used in the item property element, with the name unitOfMeasure


Code Description
PCE Pieces
PAI Pair
PAC Pack


Code Example


<property name="unitOfMeasure">PCE</property>




INVOIC allowance codes and name examples


Code and name examples that can be used in the ‘allowances’ element.


Code Name
ACA unspecified allowance
QD quantity discount
RAE reseller discount
DI Mutually agreed discount, or the discount published in PRICAT




INVOIC charge codes and name examples


Code and name examples that can be used in the ‘charges’ element.   


Code Name
ABK unspecified charge
FC freight charge
IS Invoice services
AEV Environmental fee
IN Insurance fee
HD Handling charge
PC Packaging cost




INVOIC tax codes and name examples


Code and name examples that can be used in the ‘taxes’ element.   


Code Name
VAT Value added Tax
ENG Energy Tax
ENV Environmental Tax
ORG VAT on original invoice (ORG is only applicable with credit notes)




INVOIC account types


Account types that can be used.


type Description
SE.BG Swedish bankgiro
SE.PG Swedish postgiro
Bank Bank account number
BranchCode Branch code/number
Swift Swift




Currency codes


ISO 4217 is the International Standard for currency codes.




Country codes


ISO 3166 is the International Standard for country codes and codes for their subdivisions, please see Alpha 2 codes:   




Package types


Examples of commonly used package types can be found at the GS1 website:



Party Information Party location type

A comprehensive list of all the accepted location types and their associated codes. 

Code Description
OS Online Store
BM Brick-and-Mortar Store
DC Distribution Center
WH Warehouse
PU Pop-Up Store
KK Kiosk
HQ  Headquarters
OF Other Facility
NS Not Specified