PARTIN (Party Data)
The Party Data/Party Information message is meant for sharing party/entity information over the Btwentyfour Platform. Connected parties can use the message to add new stores, marketplace websites or local sales offices/subsidiaries, and to update e.g. geograpic location or contact details for existing already registered party records.
General usage
- The message includes functionality
Name | Required | Description | Examples | Xpath | Type | Limits | Sort | Id |
(Header) : Btwentyfour message ID | No | Unique partyData message reference (automatically issued by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform. upon import/export of file) |
Text | 1000 | 1 | ||
(Header) : Btwentyfour message date | No | Unique partyData message date (automatically issued by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform. upon import/export of file) |
Date/Time | 1100 | 2 | ||
(Header) : Sender | Yes | The sender of the partyData message, identified by a GLN. |
/b24Message/partyData/sender/@gln | Number | 1200 | 3 | |
(Header) : Recipient | Yes | The recipient of the partyData message, identified by a GLN. |
/b24Message/partyData/recipient/@gln | Number | 1300 | 4 | |
(Header) : Party Data Number | No | Unique document reference for the specific partyData message. |
/b24Message/partyData/documentReference[@documentType="PartyData"]/@id | Text | 1400 | 5 | |
(Header) : Party Data Date | No | Issue date of the specific partyData message |
/b24Message/partyData/documentReference[@documentType="PartyData"]/@date | Date/Time | 1500 | 6 | |
(Party) : Party GLN | Yes | Unique GLN of the specific party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/@gln | Number | 1600 | 7 | |
(Party) : Party Name | Yes | Company/Display name of the specific party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/@name | Text | 1700 | 8 | |
(Party) : Party Organization Number | No | Organization Number of the specific party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/@orgNo | Text | 1800 | 9 | |
(Party) : Party VAT number | No | VAT Number of the specific party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/@vatNo | Text | 1900 | 10 | |
(Party) : IsActive | No | Indication of whether the specified party record is currently active/used or not (true/false). Records sent with "false" will be hidden/inactivated in Btwentyfour Portal UI. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/@isActive | Yes/No | 2000 | 11 | |
(Party) : Parent GLN | Yes | GLN of the the specified party's parent identity in the Btwentyfour Platform. Please note that used parent GLN must already exist in the Btwentyfour Platform. New business identities/parent GLNs must be established via Btwentyfour Sales Dept. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/@parentGln | Number | 2100 | 12 | |
(Party) : Parent Name | No | Name of the specified party's parent identity in the Btwentyfour Platform. Please note that used parent GLN must already exist in the Btwentyfour Platform. New business identities/parent GLNs must be established via Btwentyfour Sales Dept. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/@parentName | 2200 | 13 | ||
(Party) : Party Latitude | No | Latitude of the specific party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/location/latitude | Number | 2300 | 23 | |
(Party) : Party Longitude | No | Longitute of the specific party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/location/longitude | Number | 2400 | 24 | |
(Party) : Party Banner | No | The banner/store concept used for the specific party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="banner"] | Text | 2500 | 25 | |
(Party) : Party Opening Date | No | The grand opening/premiere date of the specific party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="openingDate"] | Date/Time | 2600 | 26 | |
(Party) : Party Internal Id | No | Internal/local system reference/store number of the specified party record. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="internalId"] | Text | 2700 | 27 | |
(Party): Location Type | No | Specifies what type of location the referenced party/entity is. Used to distinguish i.e. web/online-stores ("Online Store") from physical store locations ("Brick-and-Mortar Store"). Currently supported location-type codes and descriptions can be found in the "codes"-section. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="locationType"] |
Text | 2800 | 28 | |
(Party) Location Type code | No | A code field that specifies what type of location the referenced party/entity is. Used to distinguish i.e. web/online-stores ("OS") from physical store locations / Brick-and-Mortar-Stores ("BM"). Currently supported location-type codes and descriptions can be found in the "codes"-section. |
/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="locationType"]/@code | Text | 2900 | 29 |