
xml PARTIN (Party Data)

The Party Data/Party Information message is meant for sharing party/entity information over the Btwentyfour Platform. Connected parties can use the message to add new stores, marketplace websites or local sales offices/subsidiaries, and to update e.g. geograpic location or contact details for existing already registered party records. 

General usage

- The message includes functionality

Name Required Description Examples Xpath Type Limits Sort Id
(Header) : Btwentyfour message ID No

Unique partyData message reference (automatically issued by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform. upon import/export of file)

 <b24Message messageId="716a2875-409c-4995-8cad-ced808f972f2" messageDate="2022-04-21T12:57:39.747Z" xmlns=""> 
Text 1000 1
(Header) : Btwentyfour message date No

Unique partyData message date (automatically issued by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform. upon import/export of file)

 <b24Message messageId="716a2875-409c-4995-8cad-ced808f972f2" messageDate="2022-04-21T12:57:39.747Z" xmlns=""> 
Date/Time 1100 2
(Header) : Sender Yes

The sender of the partyData message, identified by a GLN.

 <sender gln="7340117836950"> 
/b24Message/partyData/sender/@gln Number 1200 3
(Header) : Recipient Yes

The recipient of the partyData message, identified by a GLN.

 <recipient gln="7340117815580"> 
/b24Message/partyData/recipient/@gln Number 1300 4
(Header) : Party Data Number No

Unique document reference for the specific partyData message.

 <documentReference documentType="PartyData" id="11221" date="2022-06-30" /> 
/b24Message/partyData/documentReference[@documentType="PartyData"]/@id Text 1400 5
(Header) : Party Data Date No

Issue date of the specific partyData message

 <documentReference documentType="PartyData" id="11221" date="2021-06-30" /> 
/b24Message/partyData/documentReference[@documentType="PartyData"]/@date Date/Time 1500 6
(Party) : Party GLN Yes

Unique GLN of the specific party record.

 <party gln="9999219643744" name="Buyer Concept Sweden" orgNo="11111111-1000" vatNo="SE111111111000" isActive="true" parentGln="0000000000500" parentName="Bu500"> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/@gln Number 1600 7
(Party) : Party Name Yes

Company/Display name of the specific party record.

 <party gln="9999219643744" name="Buyer Concept Sweden" orgNo="11111111-1000" vatNo="SE111111111000" isActive="true" parentGln="0000000000500" parentName="Bu500"> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/@name Text 1700 8
(Party) : Party Organization Number No

Organization Number of the specific party record.

 <party gln="9999219643744" name="Buyer Concept Sweden" orgNo="11111111-1000" vatNo="SE111111111000" isActive="true" parentGln="0000000000500" parentName="Bu500"> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/@orgNo Text 1800 9
(Party) : Party VAT number No

VAT Number of the specific party record.

 <party gln="9999219643744" name="Buyer Concept Sweden" orgNo="11111111-1000" vatNo="SE111111111000" isActive="true" parentGln="0000000000500" parentName="Bu500"> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/@vatNo Text 1900 10
(Party) : IsActive No

Indication of whether the specified party record is currently active/used or not (true/false). Records sent with "false" will be hidden/inactivated in Btwentyfour Portal UI.

 <party gln="9999219643744" name="Buyer Concept Sweden" orgNo="11111111-1000" vatNo="SE111111111000" isActive="true" parentGln="0000000000500" parentName="Bu500"> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/@isActive Yes/No 2000 11
(Party) : Parent GLN Yes

GLN of the the specified party's parent identity in the Btwentyfour Platform. Please note that used parent GLN must already exist in the Btwentyfour Platform. New business identities/parent GLNs must be established via Btwentyfour Sales Dept.

 <party gln="9999219643744" name="Buyer Concept Sweden" orgNo="11111111-1000" vatNo="SE111111111000" isActive="true" parentGln="0000000000500" parentName="Bu500"> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/@parentGln Number 2100 12
(Party) : Parent Name No

Name of the specified party's parent identity in the Btwentyfour Platform. Please note that used parent GLN must already exist in the Btwentyfour Platform. New business identities/parent GLNs must be established via Btwentyfour Sales Dept.

 <party gln="9999219643744" name="Buyer Concept Sweden" orgNo="11111111-1000" vatNo="SE111111111000" isActive="true" parentGln="0000000000500" parentName="Bu500"> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/@parentName 2200 13
(Party) : Party Latitude No

Latitude of the specific party record.

/b24Message/partyData/party/location/latitude Number 2300 23
(Party) : Party Longitude No

Longitute of the specific party record.

/b24Message/partyData/party/location/longitude Number 2400 24
(Party) : Party Banner No

The banner/store concept used for the specific party record.

 <property name="banner">Example banner</property> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="banner"] Text 2500 25
(Party) : Party Opening Date No

The grand opening/premiere date of the specific party record.

 <property name="openingDate">2022-06-02</property> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="openingDate"] Date/Time 2600 26
(Party) : Party Internal Id No

Internal/local system reference/store number of the specified party record.

 <property name="internalId">001</property> 
/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="internalId"] Text 2700 27
(Party): Location Type No

Specifies what type of location the referenced party/entity is. Used to distinguish i.e. web/online-stores ("Online Store") from physical store locations ("Brick-and-Mortar Store").

Currently supported location-type codes and descriptions can be found in the "codes"-section.

<property name="locationType" code="BM" registry="b24">Brick-and-Mortar Store</property>


Text 2800 28
(Party) Location Type code No

A code field that specifies what type of location the referenced party/entity is. Used to distinguish i.e. web/online-stores ("OS") from physical store locations / Brick-and-Mortar-Stores ("BM").

Currently supported location-type codes and descriptions can be found in the "codes"-section.

<property name="locationType" code="BM" registry="b24">Brick-and-Mortar Store</property>


/b24Message/partyData/party/property[@name="locationType"]/@code Text 2900 29