
xml ORDRSP (Order Response)

The ORDRSP message responding to a Order message or a Order Change Request message under conditions agreed between the supplier and the buyer.

General usage

- A seller may respond for one or more goods items or services.
- The response may be for a Purchase order or a Purchase order change request
- An acknowledgment of receipt and understanding of data, confirmation of acceptance,

Fields used in the ORDRSP message

Below you find a comprehensive list of required and optional fields for ORDRSP message.

Name Required Description Examples XPATH Type Limits Sort
Tax Amount No

The total Amount of Tax/Duty/Fee to be paid for the whole order that the orderresponse is referring to. 

<property name="taxAmount" > 200.00 </property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name ="taxAmount"] Number
Taxable Amount No

Total Taxable amount (Invoice total amount subject to VAT or other taxation)

<property name="taxableAmount"> 400 </property>


/B24Message/orderResponse/property[@name ="taxableAmount"] Number
Net amount including Tax No

The total amount to be paid including tax for the order that the orderresponse is referring to.

<property name="netAmountIncludingTax"> 600 </property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name ="netAmountIncTax"] Number
EDI message name

The name of the EDI message

 <orderResponse text="Btwentyfour Example OrderResponse" environment="Production" status="ORDER_STATUS_REGISTERED" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER"  currency="SEK"> 


Text 1100

Environment/test indicator - either "Production" or "Test"

 <orderResponse text="Btwentyfour Example OrderResponse" environment="Production" status="ORDER_STATUS_REGISTERED" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER"  currency="SEK"> 


Text 1200

The status of the order set by the supplier: such as cancelled, shipped etc.

 <orderResponse text="Btwentyfour Example OrderResponse" environment="Production" status="ORDER_STATUS_REGISTERED" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER"  currency="SEK"> 


Text 1300
Order type

Specifies the type of order, see code list of accepted values at

 <orderResponse text="Btwentyfour Example OrderResponse" environment="Production" status="ORDER_STATUS_REGISTERED" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER"  currency="SEK"> 


Text 1400

The currency in which the price information in the order is specified.

 <orderResponse text="Btwentyfour Example OrderResponse" environment="Production" status="ORDER_STATUS_REGISTERED" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER"  currency="SEK"> 


Text 1500
Btwentyfour message ID

Message ID set by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform.

 <orderResponse text="Btwentyfour Example OrderResponse" environment="Production" status="ORDER_STATUS_REGISTERED" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER"  currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-26T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Number 1600
Btwentyfour message date

Message date set by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform.

 <orderResponse text="Btwentyfour Example OrderResponse" environment="Production" status="ORDER_STATUS_REGISTERED" orderType="REGULAR_ORDER"  currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-26T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Date/Time 1700
Sender Yes

The sender of the EDI message, identified by a GLN.

 <sender gln="7340117815580"> 


Number 1800
Recipient Yes

The recipient of the EDI message, identified by a GLN.

 <recipient gln="7340117836950"> 


Number 1900
Buyer order number Yes

The purchase order number set by the buyer.

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2020-08-25"> 


Text 2000
Order date

The date when the order was issued by the buyer.

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2020-08-25"> 


Date/Time 2100
Supplier order number Yes

The sales order number set by the supplier.

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2020-08-26"> 


Text 2200
Supplier date

The date when the order response was issued by the supplier.

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2020-08-26"> 


Date/Time 2300
Contract order number

Reference to the contract order number (if available).

 <documentReference documentType="ContractOrder" id="555666" date="2020-08-25"> 


Text 2400
Btwentyfour order number

Order number generated by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform.

 <documentReference documentType="b24Order" id="Sample_B24_0000105" date="2020-08-25"> 


Text 2500
Action (Header)

Action specifying the general status of the order following the supplier's order response. (For accepted values please see list at

 <property name="action">Accept With Changes</property>  


Text 2600

The season code for the referred items

 <property name="season">SS21</property>  � 


Text 2700
Order net value

The total net value of the order, after discount is applied (the sum of netPrice multiplied by quantity for all items). Set by the buyer

 <property name="orderNetValue">350.00</property> 


Number 2800
Order gross value

The total gross value of the order, before discount is applied (the sum of grossPrice multiplied by quantity for all items). Set by the buyer

 <property name="orderGrossValue">400.00</property> 


Number 2900
Supplier generated order

Is the orders created by the supplier?

 <property name="supplierGeneratedOrder">Y</property> 


Yes/No 3000
Customer Order Reference

Notes to be put on packing slip.

 <property name="customerOrderRef">Note to be put on packing slip</property> 


Text 3100
Customer Order Notes

Any specific notes related to the order.

 <property name="customerOrderNotes">longer note made by Buyer to the supplier</property> 


Text 3200
(Header): Transportation Method No

The method/mode of transport used for the shipping the ordered goods (such as "Maritime/Sea", "Air", "Road").

<property name="transportationMethod" code="1">Maritime (Sea) transport</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name="transportationMethod"] Text 3225
(Header): Incoterms No

Series of three-letter abbreviations/codes, indicating trade terms related to common contractual sales practices. Incoterms rules are intended to clearly communicate the tasks, costs, and risks associated with the global or international transportation and delivery of goods.  

<property name="incoterms" code="DDP">Delivery Duty Paid</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name="incoterms"] Text 3250
(Header): Terms Of Delivery

Plain/free text information/description about used/agreed delivery terms.

 <property name="termsOfDelivery">The seller hands over the goods once they have been imported and placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport, ready for unloading at the specified destination. The seller bears all costs and risks associated with transporting the goods to the specified place and shall clear the goods not only for export but also for import, pay all duties for export and import and complete all customs formalities.</property> 


Text N/A 3300
Shipping Date

The date the ordered goods will be shipped from the seller (supplier or manufacturer) to the buyer.

<property name="shippingDate">YYYY-MM-DD</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name="shippingDate"] Date/Time 3350
Confirmed/Estimated delivery date (Header)

The confirmed date of delivery for the order, set by the supplier.

 <property name="deliveryDate">2020-09-22</property> 


Date/Time 3400
Confirmed/Estimated earliest delivery date (Header)

The confirmed earliest date of delivery for the order, set by the supplier.

 <property name="earliestDeliveryDate">2020-09-17</property> 


Date/Time 3500
Confirmed/Estimated latest delivery date (Header)

The confirmed latest date of delivery for the order, set by the supplier.

 <property name="latestDeliveryDate">2020-09-22</property> 


Date/Time 3600
Requested delivery date (Header)

The requested date of delivery for the order, set by the buyer.

 <property name="requestedDeliveryDate">2020-09-21</property> 


Date/Time 3700
(Header): Port of Loading  No

The port in which the ordered goods are loaded before shipment departure (Code = UN/LOCODE) 

<property name="portOfLoading" code="CNSHA">Shanghai</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name="portOfLoading"] Text 3720
(Header): Country of Departure No

The country from which the shipment/delivery of ordered goods is scheduled to depart or has departed. (Code =  ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

<property name="countryOfDeparture" code="CN">China</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name="countryOfDeparture"] Text 3740
(Header): Port of Arrival No

The intended port of arrival/destination for the shipped goods. (Code = UN/LOCODE) 

<property name="portOfArrival" code="SEVFA">Västra Frölunda/Göteborg</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name="portOfArrival"]/@code Text 3750
Discount Percentage (Header)

Overall discount percentage for the specific order.

 <property name="discountPercentage">12.50</property> 


Number 3800
Discount Amount (Header)

Total discount amount for the specific order.

 <property name="discountAmount">50.00</property> 


Number 3900
Payment Terms

The referenced order's payment terms, specified in plain text.

<property name="paymentTerms">30 Days</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/property[@name="paymentTerms"] Text 3950
Invoicee GLN

The invoicee party, identified by a GLN.

 <property name="invoicee">invoiceeGLN</property> 


Number 4000
Invoicee Name

Name of the invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeName">invoiceeName</property> 


Text 4100
Invoicee Adress

Address of the invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeAddress">invoiceeAddress</property> 


Text 4200
Invoicee Zip code

Zip code of the invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeCityCode">invoiceeZipCode</property> 


Text 4300
Invoicee City

City of the invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeCity">invoiceeCity</property> 


Text 4400
Invoicee Country

Country of the invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeCountry">invoiceeCountryName</property> 


Text 4500
Invoicee Country Code

Country code of the invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeCountryCode">invoiceeCountryCode</property> 


Text 4600
Invoicee Org No

Corporate identity number of the invoicee party.

 <property name="invoiceeOrgNo">invoiceeOrgNo</property> 


Text 4700
Invoicee VAT No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the invoicee party.

 <property name="invoiceeVatNo">invoiceeVatNumber</property> 


Text 4800
Invoicee Contact

Name of a invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeContact">invoiceeContact</property> 


Text 4900
Invoicee Phone Number

Telephone number of the invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeTelephoneNumber">invoiceeTelephoneNumber</property> 


Number 5000
Invoicee Email

An e-mail address of the invoicee.

 <property name="invoiceeEmailAddress">invoiceeEmailAddress</property> 


Text 5100
Ultimate Consignee GLN

The party to which the goods are ultimately delivered, identified by a GLN.

 <property name="ultimateConsignee">ultimateConsigneeGLN</property> 


Text 5200
Ultimate Consignee Name

Name of the ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeName">ultimateConsigneeName</property> 


Text 5300
Ultimate Consignee Address

Address of the ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeAddress">ultimateConsigneeAddress</property> 


Text 5400
Ultimate Consignee Zip Code

Zip code of the ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeCityCode">ultimateConsigneeZipCode</property> 


Text 5500
Ultimate Consignee City

City of the ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeCity">ultimateConsigneeCity</property> 


Text 5600
Ultimate Consignee Country

Country of the ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeCountry">ultimateConsigneeCountryName</property> 


Text 5700
Ultimate Consignee Country Code

Country code of the ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeCountryCode">ultimateConsigneeCountryCode</property> 


Text 5800
Ultimate Consignee Org No

Corporate identity number of the ultimate consignee party.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeOrgNo">ultimateConsigneeOrgNo</property> 


Text 5900
Ultimate Consignee VAT No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the ultimate consignee party.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeVatNo">ultimateConsigneeVatNumber</property> 


Text 6000
Ultimate Consignee Contact

Name of a ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeContact">ultimateConsigneeContact</property> 


Text 6100
Ultimate Consignee Phone number

Telephone number of the ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeTelephoneNumber">ultimateConsigneeTelephoneNumber</property> 


Number 6200
Ultimate Consignee Email

An e-mail address of the ultimate consignee.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeEmailAddress">ultimateConsigneeEmailAddress</property> 


Text 6300
Ultimate Customer Name

Name of the customer to which the goods are ultimately delivered, identified by a name and address.

 <property name="ultimateCustomerName">ultimateCustomerName</property> 


Text 6400
Ultimate Customer GLN

The GLN of the shop/marketplace where the ultimate customer purchased its ordered item(s).

 <property name="ultimateCustomer">ultimateCustomerGLN</property> 


Number 6500
Ultimate Customer Address

Address of the ultimate customer.

 <property name="ultimateCustomerAddress">ultimateCustomerAddress</property> 


Text 6600
Ultimate Customer Zip Code

Zip code of the ultimate customer.

 <property name="ultimateCustomerCityCode">ultimateCustomerZipCode</property> 


Text 6700
Ultimate Customer City

City of the ultimate customer.

 <property name="ultimateCustomerCity">ultimateCustomerCity</property> 


Text 6800
Ultimate Customer Country

Country of the ultimate customer.

 <property name="ultimateCustomerCountry">ultimateCustomerCountryName</property> 


Text 6900
Ultimate Customer Country Code

Country code of the ultimate customer.

 <property name="ultimateCustomerCountryCode">ultimateCustomerCountryCode</property> 


Text 7000
Ultimate Customer Phone number

Telephone number of the ultimate customer.

 <property name="ultimateCustomerTelephoneNumber">ultimateCustomerTelephoneNumber</property> 


Number 7100
Ultimate Customer Email

An e-mail address of the ultimate customer.

 <property name="ultimateCustomerEmailAddress">ultimateCustomerEmailAddress</property> 


Text 7200
Supplier GLN Yes

The supplier/brand, identified by a GLN.

 <supplier gln="7340117815580" name="Btwentyfour Demo Supplier"> 


Number 7300
Supplier Name

Name of the supplier party.

 <supplier gln="7340117815580" name="Btwentyfour Demo Supplier"> 


Text 7400
Supplier Address

Address of the supplier party.



Text 7500
Supplier Address second row

Address of the supplier party, second row

 <coAddress>Street Address second row</coAddress> 


Text 7600
Supplier Zip Code

Zip code of the supplier party.

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 7700
Supplier City

City of the supplier party.

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 7800
Supplier Country

Country of the supplier party.

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 7900
Supplier Country Code

Country code of the supplier party.

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 8000
Supplier external ID

External identifier, set by sender of the message

 <property name="id">5122186</property> 


Text 8100
Supplier internal ID

Internal identifier, mapped in the Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform.

 <property name="internalId">8899</property> 


Text 8200
Buyer GLN Yes

The buying party, identified by a GLN.

 <buyer gln="7340117836950" name="Btwentyfour Demo Buying Group" contact="Buyer's contact reference"> 


Number 8300
Buyer Name

Name of the buyer party.

 <buyer gln="7340117836950" name="Btwentyfour Demo Buying Group" contact="Buyer's contact reference"> 


Text 8400
Buyer Contact

Name of the buyer's contact/reference person.

 <buyer gln="7340117836950" name="Btwentyfour Demo Buying Group" contact="Buyer's contact reference"> 


Text 8500
Buyer Address

Address of the buyer party.



Text 8600
Buyer Address second row

Address of the buyer party, second row

 <coAddress>Street Address second row</coAddress> 


Text 8700
Buyer Zip code

Zip code of the buyer party.

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 8800
Buyer City

City of the buyer party.

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 8900
Buyer Country

Country of the buyer party.

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 9000
Buyer Country Code

Country code of the buyer party.

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 9100
Buyer external ID

External identifier, set by sender of the message

 <property name="id">5122186</property> 


Text 9200
Buyer internal ID

Internal identifier, mapped in the Btwentyfour Omnichannel Platform

 <property name="internalId">8899</property> 


Text 9300
Delivery party (Consignee) GLN

The delivery party/the receiving party of the goods, identified by a GLN.

 <consignee gln="7340117804522" name="Delivery Party Name"> 


Text 9400
Delivery party (Consignee) Name

Name of the delivery party/consignee.

 <consignee gln="7340117804522" name="Delivery Party Name"> 


Number 9500
Delivery party (Consignee) Address

Address of the delivery party/consignee.



Text 9600
Delivery party (Consignee) Address second row

Address of the delivery party/consignee, second row

 <coAddress>Street Address second row</coAddress> 


Text 9700
Delivery party (Consignee) Zip Code

Zip code of the delivery party/consignee.

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 9800
Delivery party (Consignee) City

City of the delivery party/consignee.

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 9900
Delivery party (Consignee) Country

Country of the delivery party/consignee.

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 10000
Delivery party (Consignee) Country Code

Country code of the delivery party/consignee.

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 10100
Delivery party (Consignee) external ID

External identifier, set by sender of the message

 <property name="id">5122186</property> 


Text 10200
Delivery party (Consignee) internal ID

Internal identifier, mapped in the Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform

 <property name="internalId">8899</property> 


Text 10300
Supplier Item ID

The supplier's unique item ID of the product.

 <item id="1000000001111"> 


Text 10400
Ordered Quantity (Item/Line)

The ordered quantity of the product.

 <item id="1000000001111" orderedQuantity="3"> 


Number 10500
Quantity (Item/Line) Yes

The reported quantity of the product on the order response, set by the supplier. (Quantity to be used together with ORDER_LINE_STATUS to indicate the outcome of the order-line)

 <item id="1000000001111" orderedQuantity="3" quantity="2" status="ORDER_LINE_STATUS_REGISTERED"> 


Number 10600
Requested delivery date product (Item/Line)

The desired date of delivery for the product, set by the buyer.

 <item id="1000000001111" orderedQuantity="3" quantity="2" requestedDeliveryDate="2020-09-21"> 


Date/Time 10700
Delivery date (Item/Line)

The estimated delivery date for the product, set by the supplier.

 <item id="1000000001111" orderedQuantity="3" quantity="2" requestedDeliveryDate="2020-09-21" deliveryDate="2020-09-22"> 


Date/Time 10800
Shipping date (Item Line)

The date when the goods will be shipped, set by the supplier.

 <item id="1000000001111" orderedQuantity="3" quantity="2" requestedDeliveryDate="2020-09-21" deliveryDate="2020-09-22" shippingDate="2020-09-21"> 


Date/Time 10900
Order line status

The status of the order line set by the supplier. (For accepted values, please see list at

 <item id="1000000001111" orderedQuantity="3" quantity="2" requestedDeliveryDate="2020-09-21" deliveryDate="2020-09-22" shippingDate="2020-09-21" status="ORDER_LINE_STATUS_REGISTERED"> 


Text 11000
Buyer order number id (Item/Line)

The purchase order number set by the buyer.

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2020-08-25" lineNo="2" parentLineNo="1"> 


Text 11100
Buyer order line number

The order line number of the product, set by the buyer.

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2020-08-25" lineNo="2" parentLineNo="1"> 


Text 11200
Buyer order parent line number

Reference to TU line number, used in pack orders.

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2020-08-25" lineNo="2" parentLineNo="1"> 


Text 11300
Supplier order number id (Item/Line)

The sales order number set by the supplier.

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2020-08-26" lineNo="2"> 


Text 11400
Supplier order line number

The order line number of the product, set by the supplier.

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2020-08-26" lineNo="2"> 


Number 11500
Btwentyfour order line number

The order line number of the product, set by the Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform

 <documentReference documentType="b24Order" lineNo="1"> 


Text 11600
Action (Item/Line)

Action specifying the detailed status of the buyer order line following the supplier's order response. (For accepted values please see list at

 <property name="action">Quantity Change</property> 


Text 11700
Action2 (Item/Line)

Action specifying the second (2nd) detailed status of the buyer order line following the supplier's order response. (For accepted values please see list at

 <property name="action2">Price Change</property> 


Text 11800
Action3 (Item/Line)

Action specifying the third (3rd) detailed status of the buyer order line following the supplier's order response. (For accepted values please see list at

 <property name="action3">Delivery Date Change</property> 


Text 11900
Action4 (Item/Line)

Action specifying the fourth (4th) detailed status of the buyer order line following the supplier's order response. (For accepted values please see list at

 <property name="action4">Item Change</property> 


Text 12000
Cancellation Reason (Item/Line)

Reason/explanation for the order line cancellation.

 <property name="cancellationReason">Out of Stock</property> 


Text 12100
Confirmed/Estimated earliest delivery date (Item/Line)

The confirmed earliest date of delivery for the order, set by the supplier.

 <property name="earliestDeliveryDate">2020-09-17</property> 


Date/Time 12200
Confirmed/Estimated latest delivery date (Item/Line)

The confirmed latest date of delivery for the order, set by the supplier.

 <property name="latestDeliveryDate">2020-09-22</property> 


Date/Time 12300
(Item/Line): Transportation Method No

The method/mode of transport used to ship the ordered item (such as "Maritime/Sea", "Air", "Road").

<property name="transportationMethod" code="1">Maritime (Sea) transport</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/property[@name="transportationMethod"] Text 12325
(Item/Line): Incoterms No

Series of three-letter abbreviations, indicating trade terms related to common contractual sales practices. Incoterms rules are intended to clearly communicate the tasks, costs, and risks associated with the global or international transportation and delivery of goods.

<property name="incoterms" code="DDP">Delivery Duty Paid</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/property[@name="incoterms"]/@code Text 12350
(Item/Line): Terms of Delivery No

Plain/free text information/description about used delivery terms for the ordered item. 

<property name="termsOfDelivery">The seller hands over the goods once they have been imported and placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport, ready for unloading at the specified destination. The seller bears all costs and risks associated with transporting the goods to the specified place and shall clear the goods not only for export but also for import, pay all duties for export and import and complete all customs formalities.</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/property[@name="termsOfDelivery"] Text 12375
Order line net value

The net value of the order line (the sum of netPrice multiplied by quantity per item). Set by the buyer

 <property name="orderLineNetValue">270.00</property> 


Number 12400
Order line gross value

The gross value of the order line (the sum of grossPrice multiplied by quantity per item). Set by the buyer

 <property name="orderLineGrossValue">300.00</property> 


Number 12500
(Item/Line): Port of Loading No

The port in which the ordered items are loaded before shipment departure (Code = UN/LOCODE) 


<property name="portOfLoading" code="CNSHA">Shanghai</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/property[@name="portOfDeparture"]/@code Text 12510
(Item/Line): Country Of Departure No

The country from which the shipment/delivery of ordered item is scheduled to depart or has departed. (Code =  ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

<property name="countryOfDeparture" code="CN">China</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/property[@name="countryOfDeparture"]/@code Text 12520
(Item/Line): Port of Arrival No

The intended port of arrival/destination for the ordered item. (Code = UN/LOCODE) 

<property name="portOfArrival" code="SEVFA">Västra Frölunda/Göteborg</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/property[@name="portOfArrival"]/@code Text 12525
Ultimate consignee GLN (Item/Line)

GLN for ultimate delivery party. If different per item.

 <property name="ultimateConsignee">ultimateConsigneeGLN</property> 


Number 12600
Ultimate consignee ID (Item/Line)

External identifier for ultimate deliery party. If different per item.

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeId">0808</property> 


Text 12700
Delivery party (Consignee) GLN (Item/Line)

GLN for delivery party. If different per item.

 <property name="consignee">consigneeGLN</property> 


Number 12800
Delivery party (Consignee) ID (Item/Line)

External identifier for delivery party. If different per item.

 <property name="consigneeId">0202</property> 


Text 12900
Unit of measure

The unit of measure for the product: such as PCE, PAIR.

 <property name="unitOfMeasure">PCE</property> 


Text 13000

The brand of the product.

 <property name="brand" registry="Supplier">Brand</property> 


Text 13100

Description of the product, preferably including: model name, colour and size.

 <property name="description" registry="Supplier">Description</property> 


Text 13200
Goods Class

The goods class of the product - either FEDAS, B24 Product Category Keys

 <property name="goodsClass" code="200537" set="Fedas" registry="Supplier">200537</property> 


Number 13300
Model number (style number)

The model number of the product.

 <property name="modelNo" registry="Supplier">33546</property> 


Text 13400

The name of the product.

 <property name="name" registry="Supplier">Name</property> 


Text 13500

The product category.

 <property name="category" code="00" registry="Supplier">Category</property> 


Text 13600
VAT rate

The VAT rate for the product, set by the buyer.

 <property name="VAT">25</property> 


Number 13700
EPC-RFID Tagged (Y/N)

Indicates if the supplier will place an EPC-enabled RFID-tag on all unique objects of the referenced SKU-item, before they are shipped to the buyer. (Y/N)


EPC (Electronic Product Code). = A globally unique identification code of a specific physical object. While the EAN/UPC item reference/barcode points to the general Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), the EPC also include a serial number that points to a specific physical piece/object of that SKU. 

EPCs are often used on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)-tags, which serve to facilitate the tracking and tracing of physical objects throughout the whole supply chain.

<property name="EPC-RFID_Tagged" registry="Supplier">Y</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/property[@name="EPC-RFID_Tagged"] Yes/No 13750
Logistic unit

The logistic unit: CU=consumer unit, TU=trade unit. Used for pack order responses.

 <property name="logisticUnit">CU</property> 


Text 13800
Number of CU in TU

Quantity of the product within the TU. Used for pack order responses.

 <property name="numUnits_CU_in_TU">2</property> 


Number 13900
Retail promotion

Name of the promotion or campaign the product are intended for. Example: SuperSale2021

 <property name="retailPromotion" code="SS21">SuperSale2021</property> 


Text 14000
Retail promotion code

Code of the promotion or campaign the product are intended for. Example: SS21

 <property name="retailPromotion" code="SS21">SuperSale2021</property> 


Text 14100
Customized Item (Item/Line) No

Indicates whether the ordered item is customized by the customer/consumer. (Y/N)

<property name="customizedItem">Y</property>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/property[@name="customizedItem"] Yes/No 14150
Color description

Color description of the product

 <dimension name="color">Orange</dimension> 


Text 14200

Size of the product

 <dimension name="size">42</dimension> 


Text 14300

The supplier's EAN/UPC code of the product.

 <itemReference registry="Supplier" coding="EAN13">7313492579392</itemReference> 


Number 14400
Buyer Item ID

The buyer's unique item ID of the product.

 <itemReference registry="Buyer" name="itemId">998877</itemReference> 

/b24Message/orderResponse/item/itemReference[@registry="Buyer" and @name="itemId"]

Text 14500
Net price with currency)

The net price of the product.

 <price type="netPrice" value="90.00" currency="SEK" ></price> 

/b24Message/orderResponse/item/price[@type="netPrice"]/@value and @currency

Number 14600
Gross price with currency

The gross price of the product.

 <price type="grossPrice" value="100.00" currency="SEK" ></price> 

/b24Message/orderResponse/item/price[@type="grossPrice"]/@value and @currency

Number 14700
Discount Percentage (Item)

The discount percentage for the product.

 <price type="discountPercentage" value="10.00" /> 


Number 14800
Discount Amount (Item) No

Discount amount for one piece of the ordered item.

<price type="discountAmount" value="10.00" currency="EUR"></price>


/b24Message/orderResponse/item/price[@type="discountAmount"]/@value and @currency Number 14900