
xml INVRPT (Inventory Report)

The INVRPT message intent is to exchange information related to inventories of raw materials, manufactured articles, or other stockable items, and can be exchanged between a manufacturer and distributor (wholesaler), or manufacturer and consignment holder, etc.

General usage

- The message includes functionality to differentiate classes of inventory, and to permit financial valuation of inventories facilitating price protection claims, auditing, statutory declarations, etc.
- The specified quantities relating to a product can indicate opening stock, closing stock, and goods movement (receipts or withdrawals) of held inventory, for a given time frame.
- The specified quantities can relate directly to a product or package, and may be sub-detailed within different groups or classes, e.g., batch, age, valuation, location, etc.

Fields used in the INVRPT message

Name Required Description Examples XPATH Type Limits Sort
(Header) : Sender GLN Yes

The sender of the EDI message, identified by a GLN.

 <sender gln="1111111111111">   


Number 1000
(Header) : Recipient Yes

The recipient of the EDI message, identified by a GLN.

 <recipient gln="7340117852868" />   


Number 1100
(Header) : Supplier GLN Yes

The supplier, identified by a GLN.

 <supplier gln="1111111111111" />   


Number 1200
(Header) : Buyer GLN Yes

The reseller group/HQ, identified by a GLN. Only used for Retailer specific inventory reports

 <buyer gln="7340117852868"/>   


Number 1300
(Header) : Inventory Report Number Yes

Document number for specific Inventory report

 <documentReference documentType="InventoryReport" id="123" date="2020-05-28" /> 


Number 1400
(Header) : Inventory Report Date Yes

Document/creation date for specific Inventory report

 <documentReference documentType="InventoryReport" id="123" date="2020-05-28" /> 


Date/Time 1500
(Site) : Site GLN Yes

Location subject to inventory identified by GLN

 <location gln="1111111111111" /> 


Number 1600
(Item/Line) : Supplier Item ID No

The supplier's unique item ID of the product.

  <item quantity="50" targetQuantity="100" allocQuantity="20" id="10000_001_OS"> 


Text 1700
(Item/Line) : Allocated Quantity No

Quantity of product that has been allocated.

  <item quantity="50" targetQuantity="100" allocQuantity="20" id="10000_001_OS"> 


Number 2000
(Item/Line) : Quantity in stock No

Product quantity in stock at site.

  <item quantity="50" targetQuantity="100" allocQuantity="20" id="10000_001_OS"> 


Number 1800
(Item/Line) : Target Quantity No

Total quantity to be expected at location.

  <item quantity="50" targetQuantity="100" allocQuantity="20" id="10000_001_OS"> 


Number 1900
(Item/Line) : Article description No

Description including product attributes that make up the specific item/SKU that is offered to the buyer/consumer.

 <property name="description">Best Black Product Ever</property>   


Text 2100
(Item/Line) : Color description No

The product color/colorway/color combination in plain text.

 <dimension name="color" code="001">True Black</dimension>   


Text 2200
(Item/Line) : Color Code No

The code pointing to the color/colorway/color combination of the product

 <dimension name="color" code="001">True Black</dimension>   


Text 2300
(Item/Line) : Size No

The size of the product.

 <dimension name="size">OneSize</dimension>   


Text 2400
(Item/Line) : Incoming quantity and date No

Incoming quantity at date.

<incoming date="2018-05-05" quantity="1">


/b24Message/inventoryReport/site/item/incoming@date and @quantity 2600
(Item/Line) : Barcode No

The supplier's EAN/UPC code of the product.

 <itemReference registry="Supplier" coding="EAN13">1234567891123</itemReference>   


Text 2500
(Item/Line) : Barcode Type No

Specifies the barcode encoding type of the asssociated barcode.

 <itemReference registry="Supplier" coding="EAN13">1234567891123</itemReference>   


Text 2600
(Item/Line) : Incoming delivery date No

The date that a delivery of the article is expected to come to the site.

 <incoming date="2020-05-30" quantity="50" />  


Date/Time 2700
(Item/Line) : Incoming delivery quantity No

The quantity expected to be delivered at the associated date

 <incoming date="2020-05-30" quantity="50" />  


Number 2800