
xml SLSRPT (Sales Report)

The SLSRPT message intent is to provide sales information for one or more locations for a series of products within a specified time period.

General usage

- The message is transmitted either from a seller to its supplier or from a headquarters, coordination or distribution centre to a manufacturer, supplier or a third party for statistical analysis.
- It allows the recipient to know for a specific product, for example the Location of the sale, Period in which it was sold, Product selling price, quantity and value of the sales etc.

Fields used in the SLSRPT message

Name Required Description Examples XPATH Edifact Path Edifact Qualifiers Edifact Sample Type Limits Sort Id
(Header) : Date From Yes

The first date the SalesReport covers

 <salesReport dateFrom="2018-03-17" dateTo="2018-03-20"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/@dateFrom Number


1000 1
(Header) : Date To Yes

The last date the SalesReport covers

 <salesReport dateFrom="2018-03-17" dateTo="2018-03-20"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/@dateTo Number


1100 2
(Header) : Sender gln Yes

The sender of the EDI message, identified by a GLN.

 <sender gln="1111111111111"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/sender/@gln Number

Must be a valid EAN13 GLN

1200 3
(Header) : Recipient gln Yes

The recipient of the EDI message, identified by a GLN. Please note that for the Sales Report message the recipient must always be Btwentyfour. The supplier of the sold/returned goods is specified on each item.

 <recipient gln="0000000000010"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/recipient/@gln Number

Must be a valid EAN13 GLN

1300 4
(Header) : Salesreport Number Yes

Sales report ID for the EDI transaction.

 <documentReference documentType="SalesReport" id="SAL-123" date="2022-03-21"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/documentReference[@documentType="salesReport"]/@id Text

Must be unique for the business relaitonship

1400 5
(Header) : SalesReport Date Yes

Sales report date.

 <documentReference documentType="SalesReport" id="SAL-123" date="2022-03-21"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/documentReference[@documentType="salesReport"]/@date Date/Time

Must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" in C21, and in "YYYYMMDD" in B24s D01B format

1500 6
(Header) : Buyer gln Yes

The buyer, identified by a GLN.

 <buyer gln="1111111111111"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/buyer/@gln Number

Must be a valid EAN13 GLN

1600 7
Site: Banner No

Retail Banner/logo used on the sales site.

<property name="banner">Retail Banner/logo used on the sales site</property>


/b24Message/salesReport/site/location/property[name="banner"] N/A N/A


Text 1650
(Site) : Site gln Yes

The store in which the goods were sold, identified by a GLN, Global Location Number Retailer Location Number)

 <location gln="3333333333333"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/location/@gln Number

Must be a valid EAN13 GLN

1700 8
(Site) : Sale Date Yes

Date and time when the sale took place.

 <sale date="2022-03-21T13:31:20" id="XY1234567"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/@date Date/Time

Must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" in C21, and in "YYYYMMDD" in B24s D01B format

1800 9
(Sale) : Sale ID Yes

Unique ID of the sale transaction, (typically including terminal+receipt-number).

 <sale date="2022-03-21T13:31:20" id="XY1234567"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/@id Text


1900 10
(Sale) : Sales Associate No

ID/Reference of the associate/representative selling the goods to the consumer at the terminal/counter.

 <sale date="2022-03-21T13:31:20" id="XY1234567" salesAssociate="987879"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/@salesAssociate Text


2000 11
(Item/Line) : SKU Description No

The supplier's SKU description for the product. Preferably including: model name, colour and size.

 <property name="description">Sun Cap-Yellow-OneSize</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/property[@name="description"] Text


2100 12
(Item/Line) : Brand No

The brand name of the product.

 <property name="brand">BrandWear</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/property[@name="brand"] Text


2200 13
(Item/Line) : Model Number No

The model number of the product. (suppliers model number)

 <property name="modelNo">45678</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/property[@name="modelNo"] Text


2300 14
(Item/Line) : Model Color No

The supplier's unique model and color ID of the product.

 <property name="modelColor">45678-511</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/property[@name="modelColor"] Text


2400 15
(Item/Line) : Gender Category No

The gender category, such as: Men, Woman, Unisex, Boys/Girls or Kids.

 <property name="gender">UNISEX</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/property[@name="gender"] Text


2500 16
(Item/Line) : Supplier's Internal Goodsclass No

The Supplier's own internal goodsclass code, mapped in the portal

 <property code="170255" name="goodsClass" set="Fedas">170255</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/stock/item/property[@name = "goodsClass" AND @registry = "Supplier" AND @set = "suppliergc"]/@code Text


2600 17
(Item/Line) : Buyer's Internal Goodsclass No

The Buyer's own internal goodsclass code, mapped in the portal

 <property code="170255" name="goodsClass" set="buyergc" Registry = "Buyer">170255</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/stock/item/property[@name = "goodsClass" and @set = "buyergc" and @registry = "Buyer"]/@code Text


2700 18
(Item/Line) : Fedas Goodsclass No

Fedas Goodsclass assigned to the product, with 3 different possible registries(party/system that assigned the value), Supplier and Buyer are the only expected registries in a Stockreport

 <property code="170255" name="goodsClass" set="Fedas" >170255</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/stock/item/property[@name = "goodsClass" and @set = "Fedas"]@code Text


2800 19
(Item/Line): Comparable Store Sales No

Indicates if the reported sale item's quantity and price-data is comparable with previously shared report/accounting period's figures. (a.k.a. L4L(Like-for-like) or Same Store Sales)

<property name="comparableStoreSales">Y</property>


/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/property[@name="comparableStoreSales"] N/A N/A


Yes/No 2801
(Item/Line) : Item Supplier Yes

GLN of the supplier/brand of the sold/returned item.

 <supplier gln="2222222222222"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/supplier/@gln Number


2900 20
(Item/Line) : Color Code No

The code of the product colour.

 <dimension name="color" code="511">Yellow</dimension> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/dimension[@name="color" and @code="colorCode"] Text


3000 21
(Item/Line) : Size No

The size of the item.

 <dimension name="size">ONESIZE</dimension> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/dimension[@name="size"] Text


3100 22
(Item/Line) : Barcode Yes

The supplier's EAN/UPC code of the product.

 <itemReference registry="Supplier" coding="EAN13">1234567891112</itemReference> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/itemReference[@registry="Supplier" and @coding!=""] Number


3200 23
(Item/Line) : Currency No

The currency in which the referenced unit price or amount has been specified. All price types reported for the item should be accompanied by an ISO 4217 currency code.

 <price type="grossSalesAmount" value="897.00" currency="SEK">   � 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type=""]@currency Text

*Required if price is included.

3250 69
(Item/Line) : Gross Sales Amount No

The total Sales Amount for the sold quantity of the product, excluding discount/markdown, including VAT.

 <price type="grossSalesAmount" value="897.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossSalesAmount"]@value Number

Must equal to gross Sales price times the Sales quantity

3300 24
(Item/Line) : Gross Sales Price No

The Gross Retail Sales Price for one unit of the sold product, excluding discount/markdown, including VAT.

 <price type="grossSalesPrice" value="299.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossSalesPrice"]@value Number


3400 25
(Item/Line) : Net Sales Amount No

The total Retail Sales Amount for the sold quantity of the product after deducted discount/markdown, including VAT.

 <price type="netSalesAmount" value="747.51" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netSalesAmount"]@value Number

Must be equal to net sales price times the Sales quantity

3500 26
(Item/Line) : Net Sales Price No

The Retail Sales Price for one unit of the sold product after deducted discount/markdown, including VAT.

 <price type="netSalesPrice" value="249.17" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netSalesPrice"]@value Number


3600 27
(Item/Line) : Cost Amount (Sales) No

The retailer's total Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) for the sold quantity of the product, (excl. VAT).

 <price type="costAmountSales" value="144.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="costAmountSales"]@value Number

Must be equal to cost sales price times the sales quantity

3700 28
(Item/Line) : Cost Price (Sales) No

The retailer's Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) for one unit of the sold product, (excl. VAT).

 <price type="costPriceSales" value="72.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="costPriceSales"]@value Number


3800 29
(Item/Line) : Recommended Retail Price No

The supplier's Recommended Retail Price for the item at the sales site, including VAT. (used for wholesale)

 <price type="recRetailPrice" value="300.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="recRetailPrice"]@value Number


4000 31
(Item/Line) : Net Return Price No

The Return Price for one unit of the returned product after deduction for (possible) fees/charges, including VAT.

 <price type="netReturnPrice" value="271.82" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netReturnPrice"]@value Number


4100 32
(Item/Line) : Net Return Amount No

The total Return Amount for the returned quantity of the product after deduction for (possible) fees/charges, including VAT.

 <price type="netReturnAmount" value="543.64" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netReturnAmount"]@value Number


4200 33
(Item/Line) : Gross Return Price No

The Return Price for one unit of the returned product excluding (possible) fees/charges, including VAT.

 <price type="grossReturnPrice" value="299.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossReturnPrice"]@value Number


4300 34
(Item/Line) : Gross Return Amount No

The total Return Amount for the sold quantity of the product excluding (possible) fees/charges, including VAT.

 <price type="grossReturnAmount" value="598.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossReturnAmount"]@value Number


4400 35
(Item/Line) : Cost Amount (Return) No

The retailer's total Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) for the returned quantity of the product, (excl. VAT).

 <price type="costAmountReturn" value="144.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="costAmountReturn"]@value Number


4500 36
(Item/Line) : Cost Price (Return) No

The retailer's Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) for one unit of the returned product, (excl. VAT).

 <price type="costPriceReturn" value="72.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="costPriceReturn"]@value Number


4600 37
(Item/Line) : Gross Sales Amount Ex. VAT No

The total Sales Amount for the sold quantity of the product, excluding discount/markdown, excluding VAT.

 <price type="grossSalesAmountExVAT" value="717.60" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossSalesAmountExVAT"]@value Number


4700 38
(Item/Line) : Gross Sales Amount's VAT amount No

The gross Sales Amount's VAT Amount

 <price type="grossSalesAmountExVAT" value="717.60" currency="SEK"> <property name="vatAmount">179.40</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossSalesAmountExVAT"]/property[@name = "vatAmount"] Number


4800 39
(Item/Line) : Gross Sales Price Ex. VAT No

The Gross Retail Sales Price for one unit of the sold product, excluding discount/markdown, excluding VAT.

 <price type="grossSalesPriceExVAT" value="239.20" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossSalesPriceExVAT"]@value Number


4900 40
(Item/Line) : Gross Sales Price's VAT amount No

The Gross Retail Sales Price's VAT Amount

 <price type="grossSalesPriceExVAT" value="239.20" currency="SEK"> <property name="vatAmount">59.80</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossSalesPriceExVAT"]/property[@name = "vatAmount"] Number


5000 41
(Item/Line) : Net Sales Amount Ex. VAT No

The total Sales Amount for the sold quantity of the product after deducted discount/markdown, excluding VAT.

 <price type="netSalesAmountExVAT" value="598.01" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netSalesAmountExVAT"]@value Number


5100 42
(Item/Line) : Net Sales Amount's VAT Amount No

The net Sales Amount's VAT Amount

 <price type="netSalesAmountExVAT" value="598.01" currency="SEK"> <property name="vatAmount">149.50</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netSalesAmountExVAT"]/property[@name = "vatAmount"] Number


5200 43
(Item/Line) : Net Sales Price Ex. VAT No

The Retail Sales Price for one unit of the sold product after deducted discount/markdown, excluding VAT.

 <price type="netSalesPriceExVAT" value="199.34" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netSalesPriceExVAT"]@value Number


5300 44
(Item/Line) : Net Sales Price's VAT Amount No

The net Retail Sales Price's VAT Amount

 <price type="netSalesPriceExVAT" value="199.34" currency="SEK"> <property name="vatAmount">49.83</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netSalesPriceExVAT"]/property[@name = "vatAmount"] Number


5400 45
(Item/Line) : Recommended Retail Price Ex. VAT No

The supplier's Recommended Retail Price for the item at the sales site, excluding VAT. (used for wholesale)

 <price type="recRetailPriceExVAT" value="240.00" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="recRetailPriceExVAT"]@value Number


5800 49
(Item/Line) : Net Return Price Ex. VAT No

The Return Price for one unit of the returned product after deduction for (possible) fees/charges, excluding VAT.

 <price type="netReturnPriceExVAT" value="217.46" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netReturnPriceExVAT"]@value Number


5900 50
(Item/Line) : Net Return Amount Ex. VAT No

The total Return Amount for the returned quantity of the product after deduction for (possible) fees/charges, excluding VAT.

 <price type="netReturnAmountExVAT" value="434.91" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netReturnAmountExVAT"]@value Number


6000 51
(Item/Line) : Gross Return Price Ex. VAT No

The Return Price for one unit of the returned product excluding (possible) fees/charges, excluding VAT.

 <price type="grossReturnPriceExVAT" value="239.20" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossReturnPriceExVAT"]@value Number


6100 52
(Item/Line) : Gross Return Amount Ex. VAT No

The total Return Amount for the sold quantity of the product excluding (possible) fees/charges, excluding VAT.

 <price type="grossReturnAmountExVAT" value="478.40" currency="SEK"> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossReturnAmountExVAT"]@value Number


6200 53
(Item/Line) : Gross Sales Minus Return Amount No

The total Sales Amount (including VAT) for the sold quantity of the product after deduction for Returns, before deduction for discounts/markdowns/fees/charges. (grossSalesAmount - grossReturnAmount) Negative amount indicates more returns than sales for the item.

 <price type="grossSalesMinusReturnAmount" value="299.00" currency="SEK">   � 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossSalesMinusReturnAmount"]@value Number 6450 66
(Item/Line) : Gross Sales Minus Return Amount Ex. VAT No

The total Sales Amount (excluding VAT) for the sold quantity of the product after deduction for Returns, before deduction for discounts/markdowns/fees/charges. (grossSalesAmountExVAT - grossReturnAmountExVAT)�Negative amount indicate more returns than sales for the item.

 <price type="grossSalesMinusReturnAmountExVAT" value="239.20" currency="SEK">   � 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="grossSalesMinusReturnAmountExVAT"]@value Number 6460 67
(Item/Line) : Net Sales Minus Return Amount No

The total Net Sales Amount (including VAT) for the sold quantity after deductions for sale discounts/markdowns AND Returns with possible charges/fees. (netSalesAmount - netReturnAmount) �Negative amount indicates more returns than sales for the item.

 <price type="netSalesMinusReturnAmount" value="203.87" currency="SEK">   � 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netSalesMinusReturnAmount"]@value Number 6490 64
(Item/Line) : Net Sales Minus Return Amount Ex. VAT No

The total net Sales Amount (excluding VAT) for the sold quantity after deductions for discounts/markdowns AND Returns with possible charges/fees. (netSalesAmountExVAT - netReturnAmountExVAT) Negative amount indicates more returns than sales for the item.

 <price type="netSalesMinusReturnAmountExVAT" value="163.10" currency="SEK">   � 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="netSalesMinusReturnAmountExVAT"]@value Number 6495 65
(Item/Line): Cost Amount (Sales Minus Return) No

The retailer's total Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) for the net sold (aggregated sales - returns) quantity of the product, (excl. VAT).

<price type="costAmountSalesMinusReturn" value="39.00" currency="SEK"/>


/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="costAmountSalesMinusReturn"]@value N/A N/A


Number 6496
(Item/Line) : VAT Amount No

Specified VAT-amount for the referred price element with type.

 <property name="vatAmount">49.83</property> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price/property[@name="vatAmount"] Number


6500 56
(Item/Line) : Quantity Sales Yes

The gross sales quantity of the item at the site/store.

 <quantity type="Sales">3</quantity> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/quantity[@type="Sales"]@value Number


6600 57
(Item/Line) : Quantity Return Yes

The returned quantity of the item at the site/store.

 <quantity type="Return">2</quantity> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/quantity[@type="Return"]@value Number


6700 58
(Item/Line) : Quantity Sales Minus Return No

The total transaction�net quantity for the item at the site/store Sales quantity - Return quantity). Negtative quantity indicates more returns than sales for the item.

 <quantity type="SalesMinusReturn">1</quantity>   � 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/quantity[@type="SalesMinusReturn"]@value Number 6750 60
(Item/Line) : Quantity Cancel No

The quantity of the item cancelled at the site.

 <quantity type="Cancel">1</quantity> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/quantity[@type="Cancel"]@value Number


6800 59
(Item/Line): Discount Amount No

The deducted discount amount incl. VAT for the reported transaction (difference between grossSalesAmount - netSalesAmount or grossSalesPrice -netSalesPrice).

 <price type ="discountAmount">149.49</price> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="discountAmount"]@value Number


7100 62
(Item/Line): Discount Amount Excluding VAT No

The deducted discount amount excl. VAT for the reported transaction (difference between grossSalesAmountExVAT - netSalesAmountExVAT or grossSalesPriceExVAT - netSalesPriceExVAT)

 <price type ="discountAmountExVAT">119.59</price> 
/b24Message/salesReport/site/sale/item/price[@type="discountAmountExVAT "]@value Number


7200 63