The Stock message intent is to exchange information related to stock levels
General usage
- The message includes functionality to differentiate classes of inventory, and to permit financial valuation of inventories facilitating price protection claims, auditing, statutory declarations, etc.
- The specified quantities relating to a product can indicate opening stock, closing stock, and goods movement (receipts or withdrawals) of held inventory, for a given time frame.
- The specified quantities can relate directly to a product or package, and may be sub-detailed within different groups or classes, e.g., batch, age, valuation, location, etc.
Name | Required | Description | Examples | Xpath | Type | Limits | Sort | Id | Edifact Path | Edifact Qualifiers | Edifact_Sample |
(Header):EDI message name | No | The name of the EDI message |
/b24Message/stockReport/@text |
Text | None |
100 | 1 | INVRPT.FTX.C108.4440 | INVRPT.FTX.4451 = ANM | FTX+ANM+++<b>Btwentyfour Example Stock Report</b>' |
(Header):Environment | No | Environment/test indicator - either "Production" or "Test" |
/b24Message/stockReport/@environment |
Text | None |
200 | 2 | UNB.0035 | [1 if it is a testfile] | UNB+UNOY:4+7340117852868:14+7340117852851:14+221129:2938+56487963468493++++++<b>1</b>' |
(Header):Btwentyfour message ID | No | Message ID set by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform. |
/b24Message/stockReport/@messageId |
Number | None |
300 | 3 | INVRPT.RFF.C506.1154 | INVRPT.RFF.C506.1153 = BID | RFF+BID:<b>223456</b>' |
(Header):Btwentyfour message date | No | Message date set by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform. |
/b24Message/stockReport/@messageDate |
Date/Time | None |
400 | 4 | INVRPT.RFF.DTM.C507.2380 | INVRPT.RFF.C506.1153 = BID, INVRPT.RFF.DTM.C507.2005 = 171 | RFF+BID:223456' |
(Header):Date From | No | First stock reporting date in the file |
/b24Message/stockReport/dateFrom/#date |
Date/Time | None |
500 | 5 | INVRPT.DTM.C507.2380 | INVRPT.DTM.C507.2005 = 90 , INVRPT.DTM.C507.2370 = 102 | DTM+90:<b>2021-12-22<b>:102' |
(Header):Date To | No | Last stock reporting date in the file |
/b24Message/stockReport/dateTo/#date |
Date/Time | None |
600 | 6 | INVRPT.DTM.C507.2380 | INVRPT.DTM.C507.2005 = 91 , INVRPT.DTM.C507.2370 = 102 | DTM+91:<b>2021-12-22</b>:102' |
(Header):Sender Gln | Yes | The sender of the EDI message, identified by a GLN. |
/b24Message/stockReport/sender/#gln |
Number | None |
700 | 7 | UNB.S002.0004 | UNB.S002.0007 = 14 | UNB+UNOY:4+<b>7340117852868</b>:14+7340117852851:14+221129:2938+56487963468493++++++' |
(Header):Recipient Gln | Yes | The recipient of the EDI message, identified by a GLN. (If the file contains multiple supplier items, recipient should always be Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform.) |
/b24Message/stockReport/recipient/#gln |
Number | None |
800 | 8 | UNB.S003.0010 | UNB.S003.0007 = 14 | UNB+UNOY:4+7340117852868:14+<b>7340117852851</b>:14+221129:2938+56487963468493++++++1' |
(Header):StockReport Number | Yes | Stock report ID for the whole transaction. |
/b24Message/stockReport/documentReference[@documentType="stockReport"]/@id |
Text | None |
900 | 9 | INVRPT.RFF.C506.1154 | INVRPT.RFF.C506.1153 = STK | RFF+STK:<b>STOCK1X2345</b>' |
(Header):StockReport Date | Yes | Stock report date. |
/b24Message/stockReport/documentReference[@documentType="stockReport"]/@date |
Date/Time | None |
1000 | 10 | INVRPT.RFF.DTM.C507.2380 | INVRPT.RFF.C506.1153 = STK, INVRPT.RFF.DTM.C507.2005 = 171 | RFF+STK:STOCK1X2345' |
(Header):Supplier Gln on header level | No | The supplier identified with by GLN (use only if the report contains items from one single supplier) |
/b24Message/stockReport/supplier/#gln |
Number | None |
1100 | 11 | INVRPT.NAD.C082.3039 | INVRPT.LIN.NAD.3035 = SU | NAD+SU+<b>7340117815580</b>::9' |
(Header):Buyer Gln | Yes | The buyer/retailer/marketplace HQ, identified by GLN |
/b24Message/stockReport/buyer/#gln |
Number | None |
1200 | 12 | INVRPT.NAD.C082.3039 | INVRPT.LIN.NAD.3035 = BY | NAD+BY+<b>7340117852868</b>::9' |
(Header):Site Gln per Message | Yes | The specific site/warehouse/store holding the reported stock, identified with GLN, sent on header level in our D01B format, but it is otherwise an iterative element in c21. |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/location/#gln |
Number | None |
1300 | 13 | INVRPT.NAD.C082.3039 | INVRPT.NAD.3035 = GY | NAD+GY+<b>7340117852868</b>::9' |
Site Gln per Item | No | Site used on item level in our D01B format, however the C21 xpath is the exact same as the value Site Gln, used to send information from several different storage locations in a single EDI message |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/location/#gln |
Number | None |
1400 | 14 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.LOC.C517.3225 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.LOC.3227 = 14 | LOC+14+<b>7340117852868'</b> |
Stock date | Yes | Date of the reported stock count |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/#date |
Date/Time | None |
1500 | 15 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.DTM.C507.2380 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.DTM.C507.2005 = 414 | DTM+414:<b>20211222</b>:102' |
Stock Id | No | A unique identification code used to identify the stock of the storage location at the exact date, Possibly a combination of the Location's own Id and the date such as "gln-2022-11-22" |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/@id |
Text | None |
1600 | 16 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.RFF.C506.1154 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.RFF.C506.1153 = STK | RFF+STK:<b>STOCK1X2345</b>' |
Age Group | No | The intended age Group/category such as: Adult, Junior, Kids |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/property[@name="ageGroup"] |
Text | None |
1700 | 17 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C273.7008 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C272.7081 = AGR | IMD+F+AGR+::91:<b>Adults</b>' |
Supplier on item level | Yes | The supplier of the item, identified by a GLN. (should be same for all items if supplier GLN is also specified in message header) |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/supplier/#gln |
Number | None |
1800 | 18 | INVRPT.LIN.NAD.C082.3039 | INVRPT.LIN.NAD.3035 = SU | NAD+SU+<b>7340117852851</b>::9' |
Color Description | No | Plain text description of the product color |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/dimension[@name="color"] |
Text | None |
1900 | 19 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C273.7008 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C272.7081 = 35 | IMD+F+35+:::<b>Black</b>' |
Color Code | No | Code for the product color |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/dimension[@name="color"]/@code |
Text | None |
2000 | 20 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C273.7008 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C273.7008 = 35 | IMD+C+35+:::<b>666</b>' |
Brand | No | The brand of the product |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/property[@name = "brand"] |
Text | None |
2100 | 21 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C273.7008 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C272.7081 = BRN | IMD+F+BRN+::91:<b>B24 Running</b>' |
Description | No | Description including product attributes that make up the specific item/SKU that is offered to the buyer/consumer. For Apparel/Footwear-products typically a combination of the model name, color and size, for cosmetics/beuaty-products the description could e.g. consist of model name, fragrance/scent and volume. |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/property[@name = "description"] |
Text | None |
2200 | 22 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C273.7008 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C272.7081 = DSC | IMD+F+DSC+::91:<b>Btwentyfour Running Shoe Black 38</b>' |
Gender | No | The gender category of the product (b24 example values: "Male", "Female" or "Unisex") |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/property[@name = "gender"]/@code |
Text | None |
2300 | 23 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C273.7008 | INVRPT.LIN.IMD.C272.7081 = GEN | IMD+F+GEN+::91:<b>Women</b>' |
Supplier Item Id | No | The supplier's unique Id for the article, often a combination of the article's Model number, Color, and Size |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/@id |
Text | None |
2400 | 28 | INVRPT.LIN.PIA.C212.7140 | INVRPT.LIN.PIA..4347 = "5",INVRPT.LIN.PIA.C212.7143 = SA[Supplier = 91, Buyer = 92, b24 = B24] | PIA+5+<b>testId1</b>:SA::91' |
Buyer Item Id | No | The buyer's unique id for the article |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/itemReference[name ="itemId"] |
Text | None |
2500 | 29 | INVRPT.LIN.PIA.C212.7140 | INVRPT.LIN.PIA..4347 = "5",INVRPT.LIN.PIA.C212.7143 = LN[Supplier = 91, Buyer = 92, b24 = B24] | PIA+5+<b>TestId01</b>:IN::92' |
Model Number | No | Idenficiation of the Article's Model |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/property[@name = "modelNo"] |
Text | None |
2600 | 30 | INVRPT.LIN.PIA.C212.7140 | INVRPT.LIN.PIA..4347 = "1",INVRPT.LIN.PIA.C212.7143 = MN, INVRPT.LIN.PIA.C212.3055 = registry[Supplier = 91, Buyer = 92, b24 = B24] | PIA+1+<b>1064</b>:MN::91' |
Barcode | No | The supplier's EAN/UPC code of the product |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/itemReference[@registry="Supplier"] |
Number | None |
2700 | 31 | INVRPT.LIN.C212.7140 | N/A | LIN+1++<b>7313492579316</b>:EN' |
Barcode Type | No | The type of barcode, for example "EAN13" or "UPCA". For a complete list, see <itemReference registry="Supplier" |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/itemReference[@registry="Supplier"]/@coding |
Text | None |
2800 | 32 | INVRPT.LIN.C212.7143 | N/A | LIN+1++7313492579316:<b>EN</b>' |
Quantity On Hand | No | Quantity of goods currently stored at the location |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/quantity[@type = "OnHand"] |
Number | None |
2900 | 33 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.QTY.C186.6060 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.QTY.C186.6063 = 145 | QTY+145:<b>6</b>' |
Available Quantity | No | Quantity of goods currently stored at the location that is available for sale |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/quantity[@type = "OnHand"]/quantityState[@type = "Available"] |
Number | None |
3000 | 34 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.QTY.C186.6060 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.QTY.C186.6063 = 17 | QTY+17:<b>3</b>' |
Allocated Quantity | No | Quantity of goods currently stored at the location that has already been allocated for sale |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/quantity[@type = "OnHand"]/quantityState[@type = "Allocated"] |
Number | None |
3100 | 35 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.QTY.C186.6060 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.QTY.C186.6063 = 170 | QTY+170:<b>3</b>' |
Quantity On Order | No | Quantity of goods that have been ordered to the location, currently awaiting delivery |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/quantity[@type = "OnOrder"] |
Number | None |
3200 | 36 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.QTY.C186.6060 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.QTY.C186.6063 = 198 | QTY+198:<b>2</b>' |
Price/Amount Currency | No | The currency in which the referenced unit price or amount has been specified. All price types reported for the item should be accompanied by an ISO 4217 currency code. |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/price[@type = ""]\@currency |
Text | None |
3250 | 38 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.CUX.C504.6345 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.CUX.C504.6347 = 2 | CUX+2:<b>EUR</b>' |
Retail Price | No | The current list price the product has at the buyer's store location. |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/price[@type = "retailPrice"] |
Number | None |
3300 | 37 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5118 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5125 = REP | PRI+REP:<b>200.00</b>' |
Cost Price | No | The price that the product was bought from the Supplier. |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/price[@type = "costPrice"] |
Number | None |
3500 | 39 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5118 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5125 = COP | PRI+COP:<b>80.00</b>' |
Retail Amount On Hand | No | The Retail Price times the On Hand Quantity |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/price[@type = "retailAmountOnHand"] |
Number | None |
3700 | 41 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5118 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5125 = RAO | PRI+RAO:<b>200.00</b>' |
Retail Amount On Order | No | The Retail Price times the On Order Quantity |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/price[@type = "retailAmountOnOrder"] |
Number | None |
3800 | 42 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5118 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5125 = RAH | PRI+RAH:<b>1200.00</b>' |
Cost Amount On Hand | No | The Cost Price times the On Hand Quantity |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/price[@type = "costAmountOnHand"] |
Number | None |
3900 | 43 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5118 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5125 = CAO | PRI+CAO:<b>160.00</b>' |
Cost Amount On Order | No | The Cost Price times the On Order Quantity |
/b24Message/stockReport/site/stock/item/price[@type = "costAmountOnOrder"] |
Number | None |
4000 | 44 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5118 | INVRPT.LIN.INV.PRI.C509.5125 = CAH | PRI+CAH:<b>480.00</b>' |