
xml INVOIC (Invoice)

The INVOIC message claiming payment for goods or services supplied under conditions agreed between the seller and the buyer.

General usage

- A seller may invoice for one or more transactions
- An invoice may refer to goods, items or services related to one or more orders, delivery instructions, call-offs, etc.
- An invoice may contain references to payment terms

Fields used in the INVOICE message

Name Required Description Examples Xpath Type Limits Sort
(Header) : EDI message name No

The name of the EDI message

 <invoice text="Btwentyfour Example Invoice" environment="Production" type="Debit" invoiceDate="2015-10-10" invoiceNumber="95159" currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-25T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Text 1000
(Header) : Invoice Batch Number No

The ID/number identifying a batch of invoices messages (used to point specific invoices to the same batch).

 <documentReference documentType="InvoiceBatch" id="456"> 


Text 1100
(Header) : Shipment Number No

Carrier's/shipper's ID/Number of the shipment referenced on the invoice.

 <documentReference documentType="Shipment" id="Sample_SN0000105" date="2021-02-04"></documentReference> 


Text 1200
(Header) : Environment No

Environment/test indicator - either "Production" or "Test"

 <invoice text="Btwentyfour Example Invoice" environment="Production" type="Debit" invoiceDate="2015-10-10" invoiceNumber="95159" currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-25T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Text 1300
(Header) : Legal Document Number No

Additional invoice document reference (other than the invoice number generated from sender's ERP). Commonly used for local tax reporting/legislation purposes.

 <property name="legalDocumentNumber">ABC1234</property> 


Text 1400
(Header) : Tax Point Date No

The date when the VAT becomes accountable for the Seller and for the Buyer. (common synonym: "VAT Supply Date")

 <property name="taxPointDate">2021-12-31</property> 


Date/Time 1500
(Header) : Invoice number Yes

The unique invoice number set by the supplier

 <invoice text="Btwentyfour Example Invoice" environment="Production" type="Debit" invoiceDate="2015-10-10" invoiceNumber="95159" currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-25T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Text 1600
(Header) : Invoice type No

Invoice type, such as credit or debit

 <invoice text="Btwentyfour Example Invoice" environment="Production" type="Debit" invoiceDate="2015-10-10" invoiceNumber="95159" currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-25T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Text 1700
(Header) : Invoice date Yes

The invoice date set by the supplier

 <invoice text="Btwentyfour Example Invoice" environment="Production" type="Debit" invoiceDate="2015-10-10" invoiceNumber="95159" currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-25T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Date/Time 1800
(Header) : Currency No

The currency in which the price information in the invoice is specified

 <invoice text="Btwentyfour Example Invoice" environment="Production" type="Debit" invoiceDate="2015-10-10" invoiceNumber="95159" currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-25T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Text 1900
(Header) : Btwentyfour message ID No

Message ID set by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform

 <invoice text="Btwentyfour Example Invoice" environment="Production" type="Debit" invoiceDate="2015-10-10" invoiceNumber="95159" currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-25T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Number 2000
(Header) : Btwentyfour message date No

Message date set by Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform

 <invoice text="Btwentyfour Example Invoice" environment="Production" type="Debit" invoiceDate="2015-10-10" invoiceNumber="95159" currency="SEK" messageId="237356" messageDate="2020-08-25T12:19:05.167Z"> 


Date/Time 2100
(Header) : Sender Yes

The sender of the EDI message, identified by a GLN

 <sender gln="7340117815580"> 


Number 2200
(Header) : Recipient Yes

The recipient of the EDI message, identified by a GLN

 <recipient gln="7340117836950"> 


Number 2300
(Header) : Invoice number Yes

The unique invoice number set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="InvoiceNumber" id="95159" date="2015-10-01"> 


Text 2400
(Header) : Invoice date Yes

The invoice date set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="InvoiceNumber" id="95159" date="2015-10-10"> 


Date/Time 2500
(Header) : Invoice Batch Date No

The Invoice batch date.

 <documentReference documentType="InvoiceBatch" id="456" date="2021-05-01"> 


Date/Time 2600
(Header) : Shipping Date No

The date the goods were shipped.

<property name="shippingDate">2021-02-04</property> 


/b24Message/invoice/property[@name="shippingDate"] Date/Time 2650
(Total) : Total Gross Amount No

The total gross amount for the whole invoice.

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 2700
(Header) : Buyer order number No

The purchase order number set by the buyer

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2015-10-01"> 


Text 2800
(Header) : Order date No

The purchase order date set by the buyer

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2015-10-01"> 


Date/Time 2900
(Header) : Supplier order number No

The sales order number set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2015-10-01"> 


Text 3000
(Header) : Order response date No

The sales order date set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2015-10-01"> 


Date/Time 3100
(Header) : Delivery note number No

The delivery note number set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType=DeliveryNote" id="95159" date="2015-11-01"> 


Text 3200
(Header) : Delivery note date No

The delivery note date set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="DeliveryNote" id="95159" date="2015-11-01"> 


Date/Time 3300
Standard Carrier Alpha Code

The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is a privately controlled US code used to identify vessel operating common carriers (VOCC)

 <property name="carrierAlphaCode">FDEG</property>   � 


Text 3350
(Header) : Despatch advice Number No

The despatch advice number set by the supplier, used to identify the despatch advice connected for the goods invoiced in the Invoice message. 

<documentReference documentType="DespatchAdvice" id="95159" date="2015-11-01">


/b24Message/invoice/documentReference[@documentType="DespatchAdvice"]/@id Number 3350
(Header) : Despatch advice date No

The despatch advice date set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="DespatchAdvice" id="95159" date="2015-11-01"> 


Date/Time 3400
(Header) : Packing list number No

The packing list number number set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="PackingList" id="3636"> 


Text 3500
(Header) : Invoice reference number No

Invoice reference number, refers to the original invoice (applicable only on credit notes)

 <documentReference documentType="Invoice" id="95159" date="2015-11-01"> 


Text 3600
(Header) : Order Type No

Reference to the order-type used in the invoiced order. (registry indicates if the order-type reference origins from the supplier's or buyer's system)

 <property name="orderType" registry="Supplier" code="Z003">At Once</property> 


Text 3700
(Header) : Order Type Code No

(Invoice header) order type code reference of the invoiced order. (registry indicate issuer of the order type code)

 <property name="orderType" registry="Supplier" code="Z003">At Once</property> 


Text 3800
(Header) : Value date No

Value date is the date when the value of an asset that fluctuates in price is determined

 <property name="valueDate">2015-11-01</property> 


Date/Time 3900
(Header) : Delivery date No

Delivery date is the date when the goods are expected to be delivered

 <property name="deliveryDate">2015-11-01</property> 


Date/Time 4000
(Header) : Exchange rate No

Exchange rate, used for domestic shipment/invoicing between supplier and buyer, and when invoiced in other currencies than local currency

 <property name="conversionRate">7.8904</property> 


Number 4100
(Header) : Tax provision No

If extraordinary tax condition is required. Specification of the applicable tax provision i.e. ?Zero-rated? or ?Domestic delivery, invoice is subject to local VAT?. Else check with your local VAT legislation

 <property name="taxProvision">Reverse Charge</property> 


Text 4200
(Header) : Terms of delivery No

Terms of delivery

 <property code="DAP" name="termsOfDelivery">Delivered at Place</property> 


Text 4300
(Header) : OCR number No

An OCR number is a reference number used to identify an electronic payment (named as KID number in Norway)

 <property name="ocrNo">Ocr_Nummer</property> 


Number 4400
(Header) : Transportation Method No

Method used for transporting the referenced shipment.

 <property name="transportTxt" code="R">Rail</property> 


Text 4500
(Header) : Standard Carrier Alpha Code No

The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) is a privately controlled US code used to identify vessel operating common carriers (VOCC)

 <property name="carrierAlphaCode">FDEG</property> 


Text 4600
(Header) : Factoring details No

Text field specifying the Factoring details

 <property name="factoringDetails">Text field specifying the Factoring details</property> 


Text 4700
(Header) : Total Charges Allowances No

A summary of the charges and allowances effect on the Invoice's total Amount. It should be the same as The total charges subtracted by the total allowances. 

<property name="totalChargesAllowances">-45.00</property>


/b24Message/invoice/property[@name="totalChargesAllowances"] Number 4750
(Header) : Total sum of all additional allowances No

Total sum of all allowances on document level in the Invoice meaning a total amount of all additional allowances

 <property name="totalAdditionalAllowances">40.00</property> 


Number 4800
(Header) : Total sum of all additional charges No

Total sum of all charges on document level in the Invoice meaning a total amount of all additional charges

 <property name="totalAdditionalCharges">3.75</property> 


Number 4900
(Header) : Invoice due date No

Invoice due date

 <paymentDetails dueDate="2017-01-01" paymentTerms="Payment Terms in plain text" penaltyInterestRate="1.00"> 


Date/Time 5000
(Header) : Terms of payment No

Terms of payment in plain text

 <paymentDetails dueDate="2017-01-01" paymentTerms="Payment Terms in plain text" penaltyInterestRate="1.00"> 


Text 5100
(Header) : Payment discount due date (1) No

Payment discount due date (1)

 <property name="cashDate">2015-11-10</property> 


Date/Time 5200
(Header) : Payment discount in percentage (%) (1) No

Payment discount in percentage (%) (1)

 <property name="cashDiscount">2</property> 


Number 5300
(Header) : Payment discount amount (1) No

Payment discount amount (1)

 <property name="cashDiscountAmount">30.00</property> 


Number 5400
(Header) : Number of days for payment discount (1) No

Number of days for payment discount (1)

 <property name="cashDays">30</property> 


Number 5500
(Header) : Payment discount due date (2) No

Payment discount due date (2)

 <property name="cashDate2">2015-12-10</property> 


Date/Time 5600
(Header) : Payment discount in percentage (%) (2) No

Payment discount in percentage (%) (2)

 <property name="cashDiscount2">1</property> 


Number 5700
(Header) : Peppol Id No

A unique invoice specific ID for the buyer, used in Peppol Invoices and FINVOIC, to be specified by the recipient party.�

 <property name="peppolId">0037:003717852912</property>   �  � 


Text 5750
(Header) : Payment discount amount (2) No

Payment discount amount (2)

 <property name="cashDiscountAmount2">10.00</property> 


Number 5800
(Header) : Number of days for payment discount (2) No

Number of days for payment discount (2)

 <property name="cashDays2">60</property> 


Number 5900
(Header) : Invoice Due Days No

Number of days until payment due (net)

 <property name="dueDays">90</property> 


Number 6000
(Header) : Invoicee GLN No

The invoicee party, identified by a GLN

 <property name="invoicee">Invoicee GLN</property> 


Number 6100
(Header) : Invoicee Name No

Name of the invoicee party

 <property name="invoiceeName">Invoicee Name</property> 


Text 6200
(Header) : Invoicee Adress No

Address of the invoicee party

 <property name="invoiceeAddress">Invoicee Address</property> 


Text 6300
(Header) : Invoicee Zip code No

Zip code of the invoicee party

 <property name="invoiceeCityCode">Invoicee ZipCode</property> 


Text 6400
(Header) : Invoicee City No

City of the invoicee party

 <property name="invoiceeCity">Invoicee City</property> 


Text 6500
(Header) : Invoicee Country No

Country of the invoicee party

 <property name="invoiceeCountry">Invoicee Country Name</property> 


Text 6600
(Header) : Invoicee Country Code No

Country code of the invoicee party

 <property name="invoiceeCountryCode">Invoicee Country Code</property> 


Text 6700
(Header) : Invoicee Org No No

Corporate identity number of the invoicee party

 <property name="invoiceeOrgNo">Invoicee Corporate identity number</property> 


Text 6800
(Header) : Invoicee VAT No No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the invoicee party

 <property name="invoiceeVatNo">Invoicee Vat Number</property> 


Text 6900
(Header) : Invoicee Contact No

Name of a contact person

 <property name="invoiceeContact">Invoicee Contact</property> 


Text 7000
(Header) : Invoicee Phone Number No

Telephone number of the contact person

 <property name="invoiceeTelephoneNumber">Invoicee Telephone Number</property> 


Number 7100
(Header) : Invoicee Email No

An e-mail address of the contact person

 <property name="invoiceeEmailAddress">Invoicee Email Address</property> 


Text 7200
(Header) : Remit to GLN No

The remitTo party, to whom physical checks for the invoice are to be sent, identified by a GLN. Most often the same as the payee party.

 <property name="remitTo">Remit to GLN</property> 


Number 7300
(Header) : Remit to Name No

Name of the remitTo party

 <property name="remitToName">Remit to Name</property> 


Text 7400
(Header) : Remit to Adress No

Address of the remitTo party

 <property name="remitToAddress">Remit to Address</property> 


Text 7500
(Header) : Remit to Zip code No

Zip code of the remitTo party

 <property name="remitToCityCode">Remit to ZipCode</property> 


Text 7600
(Header) : Remit to City No

City of the remitTo party

 <property name="remitToCity">Remit to City</property> 


Text 7700
(Header) : Remit to Country No

Country of the remitTo party

 <property name="remitToCountry">Remit to Country Name</property> 


Text 7800
(Header) : Remit to Country Code No

Country code of the remitTo party

 <property name="remitToCountryCode">Remit to Country Code</property> 


Text 7900
(Header) : Remit to Org No No

Corporate identity number of the remitTo party

 <property name="remitToOrgNo">Remit to Corporate identity number</property> 


Text 8000
(Header) : Remit to VAT No No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the remitTo party

 <property name="remitToVatNo">Remit to Vat Number</property> 


Text 8100
(Header) : Remit to Contact No

Name of a contact person

 <property name="remitToContact">Remit to Contact</property> 


Text 8200
(Header) : Remit to Phone Number No

Telephone number of the contact person

 <property name="remitToTelephoneNumber">Remit to Telephone Number</property> 


Number 8300
(Header) : Remit to Email No

An e-mail address of the contact person

 <property name="remitToEmailAddress">Remit to Email Address</property> 


Text 8400
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee GLN No

The party to which the goods are ultimately delivered, identified by a GLN

 <property name="ultimateConsignee">ultimate Consignee GLN</property> 


Number 8500
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Name No

Name of the consignee

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeName">ultimate Consignee Name</property> 


Text 8600
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Address No

Address of the consignee

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeAddress">ultimate Consignee Address</property> 


Text 8700
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Zip Code No

Zip code of the consignee

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeCityCode">ultimate Consignee ZipCode</property> 


Text 8800
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee City No

City of the consignee

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeCity">ultimate Consignee City</property> 


Text 8900
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Country No

Country of the consignee

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeCountry">ultimate Consignee Country Name</property> 


Text 9000
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Country Code No

Country code of the consignee

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeCountryCode">ultimate Consignee Country Code</property> 


Text 9100
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Org No No

Corporate identity number of the consignee party

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeOrgNo">ultimate Consignee Corporate identity number</property> 


Text 9200
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee VAT No No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the consignee party

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeVatNo">ultimate Consignee Vat Number</property> 


Text 9300
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Contact No

Name of a contact person

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeContact">ultimate Consignee Contact</property> 


Text 9400
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Phone number No

Telephone number of the contact person

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeTelephoneNumber">ultimate Consignee Telephone Number</property> 


Number 9500
(Header) : Ultimate Consignee Email No

An e-mail address of the contact person

 <property name="ultimateConsigneeEmailAddress">ultimate Consignee Email Address</property> 


Text 9600
(Header) : Ultimate Customer Name No

Name of the customer to which the goods are ultimately delivered, identified by a name and address

 <property name="ultimateCustomerName">ultimateCustomerName</property> 


Text 9700
(Header) : Ultimate Customer Address No

Address of the ultimate customer

 <property name="ultimateCustomerAddress">ultimateCustomerAddress</property> 


Text 9800
(Header) : Ultimate Customer Zip Code No

Zip code of the ultimate customer

 <property name="ultimateCustomerCityCode">ultimateCustomerZipCode</property> 


Text 9900
(Header) : Ultimate Customer City No

City of the ultimate customer

 <property name="ultimateCustomerCity">ultimateCustomerCity</property> 


Text 10000
(Header) : Ultimate Customer Country No

Country of the ultimate customer

 <property name="ultimateCustomerCountry">ultimateCustomerCountryName</property> 


Text 10100
(Header) : Ultimate Customer Country Code No

Country code of the ultimate customer

 <property name="ultimateCustomerCountryCode">ultimateCustomerCountryCode</property> 


Text 10200
(Header) : Ultimate Customer Phone number No

Telephone number of the ultimate customer

 <property name="ultimateCustomerTelephoneNumber">ultimateCustomerTelephoneNumber</property> 


Number 10300
(Header) : Ultimate Customer Email No

An e-mail address of the ultimate customer

 <property name="ultimateCustomerEmailAddress">ultimateCustomerEmailAddress</property> 


Text 10400
(Header) : Supplier Remarks No

Supplier's contextual additional notes/remarks to the invoice

 <property name="supplierRemarks">Supplier invoice remarks text</property> 


Text 10500
(Header) : Supplier GLN Yes

The supplier/brand, identified by a GLN

 <supplier gln="7340117815580" name="Btwentyfour Demo Supplier" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="99999999-9999" vatNo="SE999999999999"> 


Number 10600
(Header) : Supplier Name No

Name of the supplier party

 <supplier gln="7340117815580" name="Btwentyfour Demo Supplier" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="99999999-9999" vatNo="SE999999999999"> 


Text 10700
(Header) : Supplier Address No

Address of the supplier party



Text 10800
(Header) : Supplier Zip Code No

Zip code of the supplier party

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 10900
(Header) : Supplier City No

City of the supplier party

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 11000
(Header) : Supplier Country No

Country of the supplier party

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 11100
(Header) : Supplier Country Code No

Country code of the supplier party

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 11200
(Header) : Supplier Org Number No

Corporate identity number of the supplier party

 <supplier gln="7340117815580" name="Btwentyfour Demo Supplier" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="99999999-9999" vatNo="SE999999999999"> 


Text 11300
(Header) : Supplier VAT number No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the supplier party

 <supplier gln="7340117815580" name="Btwentyfour Demo Supplier" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="99999999-9999" vatNo="SE999999999999"> 


Text 11400
(Header) : Supplier Contact No

Name of a contact person

 <supplier gln="7340117815580" name="Btwentyfour Demo Supplier" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="99999999-9999" vatNo="SE999999999999"> 


Text 11500
(Header) : Supplier Phone number No

Telephone number of the contact person



Number 11600
(Header) : Supplier Email No

An e-mail address of the contact person



Text 11700
(Header) : Supplier external ID No

External identifier, set by sender of the message

 <property name="id">5122186</property> 


Text 11800
(Header) : Supplier internal ID No

Internal identifier, mapped in the Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform

 <property name="internalId">8899</property> 


Text 11900
(Header) : Buyer GLN Yes

The buying party, identified by a GLN

 <buyer gln="7340117836950" name="Btwentyfour Demo Buying Group" contact="Buyer's contact reference" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="88888888-8888" vatNo="SE888888888888"> 


Number 12000
(Header) : Buyer Name No

Name of the buyer party

 <buyer gln="7340117836950" name="Btwentyfour Demo Buying Group" contact="Buyer's contact reference" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="88888888-8888" vatNo="SE888888888888"> 


Text 12100
(Header) : Buyer Address No

Address of the buyer party



Text 12200
(Header) : Buyer Zip Code No

Zip code of the buyer party

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 12300
(Header) : Buyer City No

City of the buyer party

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 12400
(Header) : Buyer Country No

Country of the buyer party

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 12500
(Header) : Buyer Country Code No

Country code of the buyer party

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 12600
(Header) : Buyer Org Number No

Corporate identity number of the buyer party

 <buyer gln="7340117836950" name="Btwentyfour Demo Buying Group" contact="Buyer's contact reference" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="88888888-8888" vatNo="SE888888888888"> 


Text 12700
(Header) : Buyer VAT number No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the buyer party

 <buyer gln="7340117836950" name="Btwentyfour Demo Buying Group" contact="Buyer's contact reference" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="88888888-8888" vatNo="SE888888888888"> 


Text 12800
(Header) : Buyer Contact No

Name of a contact person

 <buyer gln="7340117836950" name="Btwentyfour Demo Buying Group" contact="Buyer's contact reference" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="88888888-8888" vatNo="SE888888888888"> 


Text 12900
(Header) : Buyer Phone number No

Telephone number of the contact person



Number 13000
(Header) : Buyer Email No

An e-mail address of the contact person



Text 13100
(Header) : Buyer external ID No

External identifier, set by sender of the message

 <property name="id">5122186</property> 


Text 13200
(Header) : Buyer internal ID No

Internal identifier, mapped in the Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform

 <property name="internalId">8899</property> 


Text 13300
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) GLN No

The shipper/carrier responsible for transporting the goods, identified by a GLN

 <shipper gln="7340117804522" name="Shipper Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Number 13400
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Name No

Name of the shipper/carrier

 <shipper gln="7340117804522" name="Shipper Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Text 13500
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Address No

Address of the shipper/carrier



Text 13600
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Zip Code No

Zip code of the shipper/carrier

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 13700
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) City No

City of the shipper/carrier

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 13800
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Country No

Country of the shipper/carrier

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 13900
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Country Code No

Country code of the shipper/carrier

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 14000
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Org Number No

Corporate identity number of the shipper/carrier

 <shipper gln="7340117804522" name="Shipper Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Text 14100
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) VAT number No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the shipper/carrier

 <shipper gln="7340117804522" name="Shipper Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Text 14200
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Contact No

Name of a contact person

 <shipper gln="7340117804522" name="Shipper Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Text 14300
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Phone number No

Telephone number of the contact person



Number 14400
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) Email No

An e-mail address of the contact person



Text 14500
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) external ID No

External identifier, set by sender of the message

 <property name="id">5122186</property> 


Text 14600
(Header) : Shipper (Carrier) internal ID No

Internal identifier, mapped in the Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform

 <property name="internalId">8899</property> 


Text 14700
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) GLN No

The delivery party/the receiving party of the goods, identified by a GLN

 <consignee gln="7340117804522" name="Delivery Party Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Number 14800
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Name No

Name of the delivery party

 <consignee gln="7340117804522" name="Delivery Party Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Text 14900
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Address No

Address of the delivery party



Text 15000
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Zip Code No

Zip code of the delivery party

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 15100
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) City No

City of the delivery party

 <city code="ZipCode">CityName</city> 


Text 15200
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Country No

Country of the delivery party

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 15300
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Country Code No

Country code of the delivery party

 <country code="CountryCode">CountryName</country> 


Text 15400
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Org Number No

Corporate identity number of the delivery party

 <consignee gln="7340117804522" name="Delivery Party Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Text 15500
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) VAT number No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the delivery party

 <consignee gln="7340117804522" name="Delivery Party Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Text 15600
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Contact No

Name of a contact person

 <consignee gln="7340117804522" name="Delivery Party Name" contact="ReferenceName" reference="ReferenceNumber" orgNo="77777777-7777" vatNo="DK6666666666666"> 


Text 15700
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Phone number No

Telephone number of the contact person



Number 15800
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) Email No

An e-mail address of the contact person



Text 15900
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) external ID No

External identifier, set by sender of the message

 <property name="id">5122186</property> 


Text 16000
(Header) : Delivery party (Consignee) internal ID No

Internal identifier, mapped in the Btwentyfour Open Commerce Platform

 <property name="internalId">8899</property> 


Text 16100
(Header) : Payee Gln No

The recipient of the payment, identified by a GLN. Most often the same as RemitTo if both are sent.

 <property name="payee">Payee GLN</property> 


Number 16200
(Header) : Payee Name No

Name of the payee party.

 <property name="payeeName">Payee Name</property> 


Text 16300
(Header) : Payee Address No

Address of the payee party.

 <property name="payeeAddress">Payee Address</property> 


Text 16400
(Header) : Payee City Code No

The zipcode of the payee party.

 <property name="payeeCityCode">Payee ZipCode</property> 


Text 16500
(Header) : Payee City No

City of the Payee Party.

 <property name="payeeCity">Payee City</property> 


Text 16600
(Header) : Payee Country No

Country of the payee party

 <property name="payeeCountry">Payee Country Name</property> 

/b24Message/invoice/property[@name =payeeCountry]

Text 16700
(Header) : Payee Country Code No

Country code of the payee party

 <property name="payeeCountryCode">Payee Country Code</property> 


Text 16800
(Header) : Payee Org No No

The corporate identity number of the payee party.

 <property name="payeeOrgNo">Payee Corporate identity number</property> 

b24Message\invoice\property[@name =payeeOrgNo]

Text 16900
(Header) : Payee VAT No No

VAT number (value added tax number) of the payee party.

 <property name="payeeVatNo">Payee Vat Number</property> 


Text 17000
(Header) : Payee Contact No

Name of a contact person for the payee party.

 <property name="payeeContact">Payee Contact</property> 


Text 17100
(Item/Line) : Supplier Item ID No

The supplier's unique item ID of the product

 <item  id="1000000001111"> 


Text 17200
(Item/Line) : Invoiced quantity No

The invoiced quantity of the product, set by the supplier

 <item quantity="2" unitOfMeasure="PCE" orderedQuantity="2" backOrderQuantity="2"> 


Number 17300
(Item/Line) : Unit of measure No

Unit of measure

 <item quantity="2" unitOfMeasure="PCE" orderedQuantity="2" backOrderQuantity="2"> 


Text 17400
(Item/Line) : Ordered quantity No

The ordered quantity of the product, set by the buyer

 <item quantity="2" unitOfMeasure="PCE" orderedQuantity="2" backOrderQuantity="2"> 


Number 17500
(Item/Line) : Back ordered quantity No

Back ordered quantity

 <item quantity="2" unitOfMeasure="PCE" orderedQuantity="2" backOrderQuantity="2"> 


Number 17600
(Item/Line) : Invoice line number No

The invoice line number

 <documentReference documentType="InvoiceNumber" id="95159" date="2015-10-10" lineNo="1"> 


Number 17700
(Item/Line) : Buyer order number id No

The purchase order number set by the buyer

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2015-10-01" lineNo="2"> 


Text 17800
(Item/Line) : Order date No

The purchase order date set by the buyer

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2015-10-01" lineNo="1"> 


Date/Time 17900
(Item/Line) : Buyer order line number No

The order line number of the product, set by the buyer

 <documentReference documentType="BuyerOrder" id="555666" date="2015-10-01" lineNo="1"> 


Number 18000
(Item/Line) : Supplier order number id No

The sales order number set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2015-10-01" lineNo="1"> 


Text 18100
(Item/Line) : Supplier order date No

The sales order date set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2015-10-01" lineNo="1"> 


Date/Time 18200
(Item/Line) : Supplier order line number No

The order line number of the product, set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType="SupplierOrder" id="24123456" date="2015-10-01" lineNo="1"> 


Number 18300
(Item/Line) : Delivery note identification No

The delivery note number set by the supplier

 <documentReference documentType=DeliveryNote" id="95159"> 


Text 18400
(Item/Line) : Despatch advice number No

The despatch advice number set by the supplier

<documentReference documentType="DespatchAdvice" id="95159" date="2021-02-04" />


Text 18500
(Item/Line) : Despatch advice Date No

The despatch advice date the supplier sent the despatch advice to buyer, for the delivery the invoiced line item was in. 

<documentReference documentType="DespatchAdvice" id="95159" date="2015-11-01" lineNo="1"> 


/b24Message/invoice/item/documentReference[@documentType="DespatchAdvice"]/@date Date/Time 18550
(Item/Line) : Brand No

The brand of the invoiced item.

 <property name="brand" registry="Supplier">BrandName</property> 


Text 18600
(Item/Line) : Model number No

The model number of the product

 <property name="modelNo">100000</property> 


Text 18700
(Item/Line) : Article description No

The supplier's article description

 <property name="description">The Hat</property> 


Text 18800
(Item/Level) : Shipping date No

The date the article was shipped

<property name="shippingDate">2021-02-04</property> 


/b24Message/invoice/item/property[@name="shippingDate"] Date/Time 18850
(Item/Line) : Country of origin No

The product's country of origin

 <property name="countryOfOrigin">SE</property> 


Text 18900
(Item/Line) : Customs tariff No. No

Statistical toll number for product, "intra stat number"

 <property name="statNo">024123</property> 


Number 19000
(Item/Line) : Material description No

The material of the product in plain text

 <property name="material">ORGANIC COTTON</property> 


Text 19100
(Item/Line) : Gross weight (gram) No

The weight in grams including box or related packing material

 <property name="grossWeight">670000</property> 


Number 19200
(Item/Line) : Country of departure No

The country from which a means of transport is scheduled to depart or has departed. Code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

 <property name="countryOfDeparture" code="US">United States of America</property> 


Text 19300
(Item/Line) : Country of delivery No

Country to which the goods are to be finally delivered under transport contract terms (operational term). Meaning the country where the goods are handed over (transfer of ownership) to the customer. Code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

 <property name="countryOfDelivery" code="DE">Germany</property> 


Text 19400
(Item/Line) : Order Type (Line/Item) No

(Line/Item) Reference to the order-type used in the invoiced order. (registry indicates if the order-type reference origins from the supplier's or buyer's system)

 <property name="orderType" registry="Supplier" code="Z003">At Once</property> 


Text 19500
(Item/Line) : Order Type Code No

(Item/Line) code reference to the order type of the invoiced order. (registry indicates whether the code origins from the buyer's or suppliers system)

 <property name="orderType" registry="Supplier" code="Z003">At Once</property> 


Text 19600
(Item/Line): Customized Item No

Indicates whether the ordered item is customized by the customer/consumer. (Y/N)

<property name="customizedItem">Y</property>


/b24Message/invoice/item/property[@name="customizedItem"] Yes/No 19650
(Item/Line) : Net weight (gram) No

The net weight in grams excluding box or related packing material

 <dimension name="weight">650000</dimension> 


Number 19700
(Item/Line) : Size No

The size of the product

 <dimension registry="Supplier" name="size">1 size</dimension> 


Text 19800
(Item/Line) : Color description No

The product color in plain text

 <dimension registry="Supplier" code="Hf87" name="color">pink</dimension> 


Text 19900
(Item/Line) : Barcode No

The supplier's EAN/UPC code of the product

 <itemReference registry="Supplier" coding="EAN13">1234567891123</itemReference> 


Number 20000
(Item/Line) : Barcode Type No

The barcode type for the barcode in the element's pcdata. 

 <itemReference registry="Supplier" coding="EAN13">1234567891123</itemReference> 
/b24Message/invoice/item/itemReference[@registry="Supplier"]@coding Text 20050
(Item/Line) : Buyer Item id No

The buyer's unique item ID of the product

 <itemReference registry="Buyer" name="itemId">998877</itemReference> 

/b24Message/invoice/item/itemReference[@registry="Buyer" and @name="itemId"]

Text 20100
(Item/Line) : Unit gross price No

The unit gross amount to which allowances/charges must be applied

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="10.00" unitNetAmount="10.00" grossAmount="20.00" netAmount="20.00" taxRate="25" taxAmount="5.00" netAmountIncTax="25.00"> 


Number 20200
(Item/Line) : Unit net price No

The unit net amount including allowances/charges

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="10.00" unitNetAmount="10.00" grossAmount="20.00" netAmount="20.00" taxRate="25" taxAmount="5.00" netAmountIncTax="25.00"> 


Number 20300
(Item/Line) : Gross amount No

The total gross amount at line level

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="10.00" unitNetAmount="10.00" grossAmount="20.00" netAmount="20.00" taxRate="25" taxAmount="5.00" netAmountIncTax="25.00"> 


Number 20400
(Item/Line) : Allowance amount 1 No

Allowance amount 1 (relevant for the whole line)

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="100.00" unitNetAmount="90.00" grossAmount="200.00" allowancePercent="10" allowanceAmount="10.00" netAmount="180" taxRate="25" taxAmount="50.00" netAmountIncTax="225"> 


Number 20500
(Item/Line) : Allowance percent 1 No

Allowance in percentage 1 (%)

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="100.00" unitNetAmount="90.00" grossAmount="200.00" allowancePercent="10" allowanceAmount="10.00" netAmount="180" taxRate="25" taxAmount="50.00" netAmountIncTax="225"> 


Number 20600
(Item/Line) : Allowance description 1 No

The allowance description in plain text 1

 <property name="allowanceDescription">Pre-Order Discount</property> 


Text 20700
(Item/Line) : Allowance amount 2 No

Allowance amount 2 (relevant for the whole line)

 <property name="allowanceAmount2">1.13</property> 


Number 20800
(Item/Line) : Allowance percent 2 No

Allowance in percentage 2 (%)

 <property name="allowancePercentage2">12</property> 


Number 20900
(Item/Line) : Allowance description 2 No

The allowance description in plain text 2

 <property name="allowanceDescription2">Standard Discount</property> 


Text 21000
(Item/Line) : Allowance amount 3 No

Allowance amount 3 (relevant for the whole line)

 <property name="allowanceAmount3">0.11</property> 


Number 21100
(Item/Line) : Allowance percent 3 No

Allowance in percentage 3 (%)

 <property name="allowancePercentage3">2</property> 


Number 21200
(Item/Line) : Allowance description 3 No

The allowance description in plain text 3

 <property name="allowanceDescription3">Discount adjustment</property> 


Text 21300
(Item/Line) : Total allowance amount No

Total allowance amount (relevant for the whole line)

 <property name="totalAllowanceAmount">131.65</property> 


Number 21400
(Item/Line) : Total allowance percent No

Total allowance in percentage (%)

 <property name="totalAllowancePercentage">15</property> 


Number 21500
(Item/Line) : Allowance calculation method No

A cumulative allowance calculation method - When each discount has been calculated from the price from where the previous discount was applied (i.e., Y/N)

 <property name="cumulativeAllowanceCalculation">Y</property> 


Yes/No 21600
(Item/Line) : Charge amount 1 No

Charge amount 1 (relevant for the whole line)

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="100.00" unitNetAmount="90.00" grossAmount="200.00" chargePercent="10" chargeAmount="10.00" netAmount="180" taxRate="25" taxAmount="50.00" grossAmountIncTax="250.00" netAmountIncTax="225"> 


Number 21700
(Item/Line) : Charge percent 1 No

Charge in percentage 1 (%)

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="100.00" unitNetAmount="90.00" grossAmount="200.00" chargePercent="10" chargeAmount="10.00" netAmount="180" taxRate="25" taxAmount="50.00" grossAmountIncTax="250.00" netAmountIncTax="225"> 


Number 21800
(Item/Line) : Charge description 1 No

Charge description for 1st charge stated on the invoice line in plain text with a corresponding code. (registry-attribute indicates the issuer of the charge code and description)

 <property name="chargeDescription" registry="Supplier" code="IN">insurance</property> 


Text 21900
(Item/Line) : Charge amount 2 No

Charge amount 2 (relevant for the whole line)

 <property name="chargeAmount2">3.00</property> 


Number 22000
(Item/Line) : Charge description 2 No

Charge description 2 in plain text and a corresponding code

 <property name="chargeDescription2" code="AEV">environmental fee</property> 


Text 22100
(Item/Line) : Charge amount 3 No

Charge amount 3 (relevant for the whole line)

 <property name="chargeAmount3">2.00</property> 


Number 22200
(Item/Line) : Charge description 3 No

Charge description 3 in plain text and a corresponding code

 <property name="chargeDescription3" code="PC">packing charge</property> 


Text 22300
(Item/Line) : Charge tax rate No

The tax rate for the charge

 <property name="chargeTaxRate ">25</property> 


Number 22400
(Item/Line) : Charge tax amount No

The tax amount for the charge

 <property name="chargeTaxAmount ">2.50</property> 


Number 22500
(Item/Line) : Charge amount including taxes No

The charge amount including taxes

 <property name="chargeAmountIncTax ">12.50</property> 


Number 22600
(Item/Line) : Net line amount No

The total line net amount

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="10.00" unitNetAmount="10.00" grossAmount="20.00" netAmount="20.00" taxRate="25" taxAmount="5.00" netAmountIncTax="25.00"> 


Number 22700
(Item/Line) : Line Tax amount No

The tax amount of the invoice line

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="10.00" unitNetAmount="10.00" grossAmount="20.00" netAmount="20.00" taxRate="25" taxAmount="5.00" netAmountIncTax="25.00"> 


Number 22800
(Item/Line) : Tax rate No

Tax rate in percentage (%)

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="10.00" unitNetAmount="10.00" grossAmount="20.00" netAmount="20.00" taxRate="25" taxAmount="5.00" netAmountIncTax="25.00"> 


Number 22900
(Item/Line) : Net amount including taxes No

The total line net amount including taxes

 <price currency="EUR" unitGrossAmount="10.00" unitNetAmount="10.00" grossAmount="20.00" netAmount="20.00" taxRate="25" taxAmount="5.00" netAmountIncTax="25.00"> 


Number 23000
(Allowances) : Additional allowance description No

Description in plain text specifying the additional allowance, see code list at

 <allowances name="unspecified allowance" code="ACA" percent="10" amount="40.00" /> 


Text 23100
(Allowances) : Additional allowance code No

Code specifying the additional allowance, see code list at

 <allowances name="unspecified allowance" code="ACA" percent="10" amount="40.00" /> 


Text 23200
(Allowances) : Additional allowance percent No

Additional allowance in percentage (%)

 <allowances name="unspecified allowance" code="ACA" percent="10" amount="40.00" /> 


Number 23300
(Allowances) : Additional allowance amount No

Additional allowance amount

 <allowances name="unspecified allowance" code="ACA" percent="10" amount="40.00" /> 


Number 23400
(Charges) : Additional charge description No

Description in plain text specifying the additional charge, see code list at

 <charges name="freight charge" code="FC" amount="15.00" amountIncTax="18.75" taxRate="25" taxAmount="3.75" /> 


Text 23500
(Charges) : Additional charge code No

Code specifying the additional charge, see code list at

 <charges name="freight charge" code="FC" amount="15.00" amountIncTax="18.75" taxRate="25" taxAmount="3.75" /> 


Text 23600
(Charges) : Additional charge percent No

Additional charge in percentage (%)

 <charges name="freight charge" code="FC" amount="15.00" amountIncTax="18.75" taxRate="25" taxAmount="3.75" /> 


Number 23700
(Charges) : Additional charge amount No

Additional charge amount

 <charges name="freight charge" code="FC" amount="15.00" amountIncTax="18.75" taxRate="25" taxAmount="3.75" /> 


Number 23800
(Charges) : Additional charge amount including taxes No

The charge amount including taxes

 <charges name="freight charge" code="FC" amount="15.00" amountIncTax="18.75" taxRate="25" taxAmount="3.75" /> 


Number 23900
(Charges) : Additional charge tax rate No

The tax rate for the charge

 <charges name="freight charge" code="FC" amount="15.00" amountIncTax="18.75" taxRate="25" taxAmount="3.75" /> 


Number 24000
(Charges) : Additional charge tax amount No

The tax amount for the charge

 <charges name="freight charge" code="FC" amount="15.00" amountIncTax="18.75" taxRate="25" taxAmount="3.75" /> 


Number 24100
(Taxes) : Tax type No

Duty/Tax/Fee type code such as VAT = Value added, ENG = energy tax, ENV = environmental tax etc

 <taxes name="Value Added Tax" code="VAT" rate="25.00" amount="93.75" taxableAmount="375.00" amountBC="39.66"/> 


Text 24200
(Taxes) : Tax rate No

Tax rate in percentage (%)

 <taxes name="Value Added Tax" code="VAT" rate="25.00" amount="93.75" taxableAmount="375.00" amountBC="39.66"/> 


Number 24300
(Taxes) : Tax amount No

Duty/Tax/Fee amount

 <taxes name="Value Added Tax" code="VAT" rate="25.00" amount="93.75" taxableAmount="375.00" amountBC="39.66"/> 


Number 24400
(Taxes) : Taxable amount No

Taxable amount (Invoice total amount subject to VAT rate)

 <taxes name="Value Added Tax" code="VAT" rate="25.00" amount="93.75" taxableAmount="375.00" amountBC="39.66"/> 


Number 24500
(Taxes) : Tax amount in book keeping currency No

Tax amount in book keeping currency. If extraordinary tax condition is required. Used for domestic shipment/invoicing between supplier and buyer, and when invoiced in other currencies than local currency

 <taxes name="Value Added Tax" code="VAT" rate="25.00" amount="93.75" taxableAmount="375.00" amountBC="39.66"/> 


Number 24600
(Taxes) : Tax Identification Number / "TIN" No

Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique "tax-payer"-identifier assigned to the invoicing organization by the taxing authority/tax jurisdiction for the specific tax. The TIN typically consists of a combination of letters and numbers.

<taxes name="Value Added Tax" code="VAT" rate="25.00" amount="93.75" taxableAmount="375.00" amountBC="39.66" taxIdentificationNumber="SE999999999999"/>


/b24Message/invoice/taxes/@taxIdentificationNumber Text 24650
(Total) : Allowance amount (Total) No

Total allowance amount relevant for the whole invoice, excluding taxes

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 24700
(Total) : Charge amount No

Total charge amount relevant for the whole invoice, excluding taxes

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 24800
(Total) : Line Net amount No

Total line items amount, excluding taxes

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 24900
(Total) : Total Taxable amount No

Total Taxable amount (Invoice total amount subject to VAT or other taxation)

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 25000
(Total) : Non taxable amount No

Total non taxable amount relevant for the whole invoice

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 25100
(Total) : Tax amount No

Total tax amount

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 25200
(Total) : Rounding No

If both total Net Amount including tax and total Net Amount Including Not Rounding are sent, then this value is the numerical difference between those two amounts. So if total net amount including tax is 469.00 and total net amount including tax not rounded is 468.75 then Rounding should be 0.25

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 25300
(Total) : Invoice total amount no rounding No

Invoice total amount, including all allowances, charges and taxes, not rounded

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 25400
(Total) : Invoice total amount No

Invoice total amount, including all allowances, charges and taxes

 <total grossAmount="420.00" allowanceAmount="60.00" chargeAmount="15.00" netAmount="400.00" taxableAmount="375.00" nonTaxableAmount="0.00" taxAmount="93.75" rounding="0.25" netAmountIncTaxNotRounded="468.75" netAmountIncTax="469.00" /> 


Number 25500
(Header) : Penalty interest rate No

Penalty rate in percentage (%)

 <paymentDetails dueDate="2017-01-01" paymentTerms="PaymentTerms" penaltyInterestRate="1.00"> 


Number 25600
(Header) : Account No

To identify an account and related financial institution. See "Codes" for different account types

 <account type="Bank" bankName="bankName">Bank account number</account> 


Text 25700